Appendix B to Part 96 - SSBG Reporting Form and Instructions

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  • Appendix B to Part 96 - SSBG Reporting Form and Instructions


    This form must be used by states as the reporting instrument to satisfy the requirements of 45 CFR 96.74(a) (1) through (4). Following are instructions on how to complete the form:


    1. Enter the name of the state submitting the form.

    2. Enter the fiscal year for which the form is being submitted. Either the state or federal fiscal year may be used.

    3. Enter the month and year of the beginning and end of the fiscal year - e.g., 07/91 to 06/92.


    4. The “service” column contains a list of services that are to be used for national reporting. This list in no way mandates how a state is to design its program of services under the SSBG, but rather is to be used only to obtain nationally comparable statistics. If the services that your state provides reasonably fit the uniform service definitions in appendix A, use them. In cases where no fit is possible between the state services and the services on the form, use item number 29 - the other services category. Please list all services reported under item 29, using a separate sheet if necessary. The state's definition of these services must appear in the state's annual report.

    Recipient Data

    In reporting the following data:

    • Each state should use its own definitions of the terms “adult” and “child.” These definitions should be described elsewhere in the annual report. If the definitions of adult and child vary by services, all such definitions must be included.

    • States should, if possible, consider as the “recipient” of the service the individual to whom the service is provided. This means that the child would be considered the recipient of child day care services, even if such services are provided to allow the child's adult caretaker to pursue employment. Similarly, an adult who receives counseling services should be considered as the recipient of that service, even if the service is provided as part of a child's protective services plan. In cases where each member of a family, for example, receives an individual service such as counseling, each family member should be considered as a separate recipient.

    • States should, if possible, consider as a service, i.e., a count of one, any service provided to a single recipient for the duration of the reporting period (one year), or any fraction thereof. In cases where an individual received a service during the reporting period, then discontinued the service, and then received the service again, the individual should only be counted once, if possible.

    • The criteria applied in determining eligibility for each service - such as income eligibility guidelines, sliding fee scales, the effect of public assistance benefits, and any requirements for enrollment in school or training programs - should be described elsewhere in the annual report.

    5. Under “Number of Recipients - Adults” enter the number of adults who have received each service funded in whole or part under the SSBG.

    6. Under “Number of Recipients - Children” enter the number of children who have received each service funded in whole or part under the SSBG.

    7. Under “Number of Recipients - Total” enter the total number of recipients of each service. This should be the sum of the adults and children reported in the preceding “adult” and “children” columns.

    Expenditure Data

    8. Under “Expenditures - Total $” enter all funds that the state expends on each service. This should include SSBG funds as well as funds from other federal sources, state funds, and local funds. A listing of the sources of these funds, and the amounts allocated, should appear elsewhere in the annual report.

    9. Under “Expenditures - SSBG $” enter the total SSBG funds expended for each service. This column should be totaled, and the sum placed at the bottom of the column in the “Totals” box.

    10. Under “Expenditures - Per Adult” enter the average amount of SSBG funds expended on each adult recipient of each service.

    11. Under “Expenditures - Per Child” enter the average amount of SSBG funds expended on each child recipient of each service.

    12. Item 30 in the “Total SSBG $” column should contain other expenditures and income as follows:

    a. “Transfers In” should contain funds transferred from other federal block grants to the SSBG program. A listing of the source(s) of block grant funds and their amounts should appear elsewhere in the annual report.

    b. “Transfers Out” should show funds transferred from the SSBG program to other federal block grants. A listing of the program(s) to which SSBG funds were transferred, and the amounts, should appear elsewhere in the annual report.

    c. “Carry Forward” should show funds the state intends to carry over from the reporting fiscal year to the following fiscal year. The SSBG statute permits states two years to expend SSBG funds.

    d. “Carry Over” should show funds carried from a previous fiscal year into the current reporting year.

    e. “Administrative Costs” should show all other non-service use of SSBG funds - e.g., funds expended for training, licensing activities, or overhead costs.

    f. This column should be totaled, and the sum placed at the bottom of the column in the “Totals” box.

    13. Under “Provisions Method - Public/Private” enter a check mark on “X” in the appropriate column(s) to indicate whether a service was provided by public agencies or private agencies. In some cases, a given service may have been provided by both methods, in which case both columns would be checked for that service.

    14. Enter the name, title, and telephone number of a contact person who can answer questions about the data.

    15. Code Column:

    Six of the columns on this form have a “C” column to the right of them. These are “Code” columns to permit a state to indicate, for expenditure data, whether each cell of data is A (actual), E (estimated), or S (sampled), and for recipient data, whether the data is based on an unduplicated (U) or duplicated (D) count of recipients. These codes will permit the Department to determine the relative degree of statistical validity of the data. Actual recipient counts and expenditure amounts must be used when available. If actual counts are not available, sampling and/or estimating may be used to derive the numbers in this report. A description of the sampling and/or estimation methods used to derive any data must appear elsewhere in the annual report.

    Report Submission Using PC Diskettes

    States with personal computer (PC) equipment may submit this data using PC diskettes in addition to the hardcopy form which will be included in the complete annual report. Diskettes may be either 514″ or 312″; data may be submitted using Lotus 1-2-3, Quattro Pro, DBase III or IV, Wordstar, Word Perfect, or ASCII formats. Use of Lotus 1-2-3 is preferred, but any of the other formats listed may be used. If a state wishes to use a format other than one listed here, please call Bryant Tudor on (202) 401-5535 or Frank Burns on (202) 401-5536, or write to the Office of Community Services, Administration for Children and Families, Fourth Floor - East Wing, 370 L'Enfant Promenade, SW., Washington, DC 10447. Use of diskettes can greatly reduce transcription errors and also facilitate processing of the data once received. We anticipate that many states will want to avail themselves of this method of reporting.

    [58 FR 60128, Nov. 15, 1993]