§ 153.10 - Procedures for requesting alternatives and waivers; termination of waivers.  

Latest version.
  • § 153.10 Procedures for requesting alternatives and waivers; termination of waivers.

    (a) The Coast Guard considers allowing the use of an alternative in place of a requirement in this part if -

    (1) The person wishing to use the alternative sends a written application to the Commandant (CG-ENG) explaining -

    (i) The requirement in this part that would not be met and the reason why;

    (ii) The alternative the person proposes to be substituted; and

    (iii) How the alternative would ensure a level of safety and pollution protection at least equal to that of the requirement for which the alternative would substitute;

    (2) The alternative does not substitute an operational standard for a design or equipment standard; and

    (3) The Commandant (CG-ENG) determines that the alternative provides a level of protection for purposes of safety and pollution at least equal to the requirement in this part.

    (b) The Coast Guard considers granting a waiver of a requirement for which this part allows a waiver if the person wishing the waiver sends a written application to the Commandant (CG-ENG) that includes -

    (1) A citation of the regulation that allows the waiver; and

    (2) Any information and pledges that the regulation requires to be submitted with the application for the waiver.

    (c) The Commandant notifies the applicant in writing -

    (1) Whether any further information is necessary to evaluate the request for an alternative or waiver; and

    (2) Of the outcome of the request for an alternative or waiver.

    (d) A waiver issued under this part terminates if any -

    (1) Information required to be supplied with the application for the waiver changes;

    (2) Pledges required to be supplied with the application for the waiver are repudiated;

    (3) Restrictions or procedures applying to operations under the waiver are violated; or

    (4) Requirements in the section of this part authorizing the waiver are violated.

    [CGD 81-101, 52 FR 7780, Mar. 12, 1987]