§ 162.050-29 - Bilge monitor: Design specification.  

Latest version.
  • (a) This section contains requirements that apply to bilge monitors.

    (b) Each bilge monitor must be designed to meet the requirements of this section and the requirements for a cargo monitor in §§ 162.050-25 (b) through (g) and § 162.050-25(i).

    (c) Each bilge monitor must have—

    (1) A device that produces a warning signal, and a signal that can be used to actuate stop valves in a vessel's fixed piping system, when the oil content of the mixture being measured exceeds 15 p.p.m. ±5 p.p.m.;

    (2) A device that produces a warning signal, and a signal that can be used to actuate stop valves in a vessel's fixed piping system, when the oil content of the mixture being measured exceeds 100 p.p.m. ±20 p.p.m.; and

    (3) A device that produces a warning signal, and a signal that can be used to actuate stop valves in a vessel's fixed piping system, when malfunction, breakdown, or other failure of the bilge monitor occurs.

    (d) Each bilge monitor must have a device that is designed to record continuously the concentration of oil in p.p.m. that the monitor measures and to record the date and time of the measurements. The record must be durable enough to be kept for three (3) years. If the device has more than one scale, it must have a means to show on the record the scale in use at the time of the reading.