§ 282.20 - Amount of subsidy payable.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Daily Rates. Daily ODS rates shall be used to quantify the amount of ODS payable. The daily ODS rate represents the cost differential between the subsidized vessel and its foreign-flag competition. A daily rate shall be calculated for each subsidized item of expense identified in the ODSA, and the total of all items is the daily amount of ODS payable for approved vessel operating days, excluding reduced crew periods.

    (b) Reduced Crew Periods. For reduced crew periods, as defined in §282.3 of this part, a man-day reduction amount, calculated separately for officers and unlicensed crew members, shall be used to reduce the daily wage ODS rate to conform to the complement remaining on the vessel. The man-day reduction amounts shall be determined by dividing the daily wage ODS for officers and unlicensed crew members by the number of subsidizable crew members in each category. For each day of a reduced crew period, the man-day amount shall be multiplied by the number of crew members missing for that day, and the resulting product shall be deducted from the daily ODS rate. The difference shall be the ODS payable for such day. (See illustration in Schedule D at §282.31 of this part.)

    (c) Review of Rates. Daily subsidy rates shall be reviewed every six months. For the item “wages of officers and crews,” the daily rate shall be calculated for fiscal periods July 1 through June 30, in accordance with provisions of the Act. During the period January through June, adjustments—paid as a lump sum or as a daily amount—shall be made to wage ODS so that the correct amount of ODS for the full fiscal period is received by the operator. For other subsidizable items of expense, the daily rate shall be calculated for calendar years.

    (d) Negative Rates. When an ODS rate in any category is less than zero, indicating that the subsidized operator is at an advantage rather than a disadvantage in such category, the negative rate shall be deducted from positive rates in determining the daily ODS amount payable.

    (e) Operator Comments. The operator shall have the opportunity to comment on each subsidy rate as calculated by the Maritime Administration. The operator and contracting officer shall make every effort to resolve disagreements that arise. In the event of a disagreement that cannot be resolved, comments received from the operator and the contracting officer's recommendation shall be presented to the Maritime Administrator for consideration in determining subsidy rates.