§ 5.571 - Delivery of decision.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Whenever possible, the Administrative Law Judge's decision is delivered in writing to the respondent or to the respondent's authorized representative at the final hearing session. If it is not possible for the Administrative Law Judge to deliver a complete written decision at the final session of the hearing, an oral decision is rendered on the record, with a written order prepared and served on the respondent or the respondent's authorized representative. The decision, including the order, is effective upon service of the written order.

    (b) If a complete written decision is not delivered at the final hearing session, the Administrative Law Judge prepares and has served on the respondent or the respondent's authorized representative a complete written decision within 30 days, when possible, after completion of the hearing. This delivery may be by personal service or certified mail, return receipt requested. The signed acknowledgment of personal service or the return receipt becomes a part of the hearing record.

    (c) As used in this section, the phrase, authorized representative means any person who has been authorized by the respondent, as shown by the hearing record, to receive service and take an appeal on behalf of the respondent.