§ 5.605 - Action on petition.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The Administrative Law Judge, or Commandant, as appropriate, forwards a copy of the petition to the investigating officer. The investigating officer is afforded a reasonable time within which to submit written comments as to the merits of the petition.

    (b) The Administrative Law Judge, or the Commandant, renders a decision either granting or denying the petition. The decision on the petition will be based on a consideration of the petition, the record of the hearing, and the investigating officer's comments, if any.

    (c) If the Administrative Law Judge grants the petition, the hearing is reopened to allow the offer of the new evidence described in the petition.

    (d) If the Commandant grants the petition, the case is remanded to the Administrative Law Judge with directions to reopen the hearing.

    (e) When the petition is granted, the Administrative Law Judge withdraws the original decision and renders a new one based on the record of the original hearing and the new evidence received.

    (f) The petition, the investigating officer's comments, the Administrative Law Judge's or Commandant's decision on the petition, and the additional evidence will be appended to the original hearing record.