§ 5.703 - Procedures for appeal.  

Latest version.
  • (a) An appeal may be taken only by filing a written notice of appeal within 30 days after service of the complete written decision. This notice of appeal must be filed with the Administrative Law Judge who heard the case or with any Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection for forwarding to the Administrative Law Judge.

    (b) The notice of appeal must:

    (1) Be typewritten or written legibly;

    (2) Be addressed to the Commandant; and

    (3) Set forth the name of the appellant, the number and description of the license, certificate and/or document involved, and the name of the Administrative Law Judge who heard the case.

    (c) The completed appeal must be submitted to the Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard (G-MOA), 2100 2nd St. SW., Washington, DC, 20593 within sixty days after service of the complete written decision, or if a transcript was requested, within 60 days after receipt of the transcript. After this time has elapsed, anything received will not be considered as a part of the appeal record unless an extension of time has been granted in writing by the Commandant and the extended time limit has been met.

    (d) The appeal must contain a brief or memorandum setting forth legal and other authorities relied upon. All grounds for appeal or exceptions to the Administrative Law Judge's decision must be described with particularity.

    (e) No appeal will be accepted in the case of a revocation or outright suspension if the respondent has not complied with the order of the Administrative Law Judge to deposit the license or document with the Coast Guard.