§ 535.308 - Marine terminal agreements—exemption.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Marine terminal agreement means an agreement, understanding, or association written or oral (including any modification or appendix) that applies to future, prospective activities between or among the parties and that relates solely to marine terminal facilities and/or services among marine terminal operators and among one or more marine terminal operators and one or more ocean common carriers that completely sets forth the applicable rates, charges, terms and conditions agreed to by the parties for the facilities and/or services provided for under the agreement. The term does not include a joint venture arrangement among marine terminal operators to establish a separate, distinct entity that fixes its own rates and publishes its own tariff.

    (b) Marine terminal conference agreement means an agreement between or among two or more marine terminal operators and/or ocean common carriers for the conduct or facilitation of marine terminal operations that provides for the fixing of and adherence to uniform maritime terminal rates, charges, practices and conditions of service relating to the receipt, handling, and/or delivery of passengers or cargo for all members.

    (c) Marine terminal discussion agreement means an agreement between or among two or more marine terminal operators and/or marine terminal conferences and/or ocean common carriers solely for the discussion of subjects including marine terminal rates, charges, practices, and conditions of service relating to the receipt, handling and/or delivery of passengers or cargo.

    (d) Marine terminal interconference agreement means an agreement between or among two or more marine terminal conference and/or marine terminal discussion agreements.

    (e) All marine terminal agreements, as defined in § 535.308(a), with the exception of marine terminal conference, marine terminal interconference, and marine terminal discussion agreements as defined in § 535.308(b), (c), and (d), are exempt from the waiting period requirements of the Act and this part and will, accordingly, be effective on filing with the Commission.

    (f) The filing fee for marine terminal agreements is provided in § 535.401(g).