Subpart 98.30 - Portable Tanks and Intermediate Bulk Containers  

§ 98.30-1 - Applicability.
§ 98.30-2 - Incorporation by Reference.
§ 98.30-3 - Definitions.
§ 98.30-4 - Vessels carrying MPTs.
§ 98.30-5 - Vessels carrying portable tanks other than MPTs.
§ 98.30-6 - Vessels carrying IBCs.
§ 98.30-7 - Materials authorized for transfer to and from a portable tank.
§ 98.30-8 - Materials authorized for transfer to and from an IBC.
§ 98.30-9 - Lifting a portable tank or IBC.
§ 98.30-10 - Smoking.
§ 98.30-11 - Gaskets and lining.
§ 98.30-12 - Stowage of portable tanks and IBCs.
§ 98.30-13 - Pipe connections, and filling and discharge openings.
§ 98.30-14 - Cargo pumps.
§ 98.30-15 - Ground connection.
§ 98.30-16 - Requirements for ships carrying NLSs in portable tanks and IBCs.
§ 98.30-17 - Leakage containment.
§ 98.30-18 - Qualifications of person in charge.
§ 98.30-19 - Supervision by person in charge.
§ 98.30-21 - Inspection prior to transfer.
§ 98.30-23 - Requirements for transfer; general.
§ 98.30-25 - Requirements for transfer; cargo handling system.
§ 98.30-27 - Connections.
§ 98.30-29 - Piping incompatible products.
§ 98.30-31 - Conditions for pumping.
§ 98.30-33 - Warning signals.
§ 98.30-35 - Warning sign at gangway.
§ 98.30-37 - Firefighting requirements.
§ 98.30-39 - Alternate fire extinguishing system.