Subpart A - Organization  

Office of General Counsel
§ 0.41 - Functions of the Office.
Homeland Security, Defense and Emergency Preparedness Functions
§ 0.181 - The Defense Commissioner.
§ 0.182 - Chief, Enforcement Bureau.
§ 0.185 - Responsibilities of the bureaus and staff offices.
§ 0.186 - Emergency Relocation Board.
Office of Communications Business Opportunities
§ 0.101 - Functions of the office.
Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau
§ 0.191 - Functions of the Bureau.
§ 0.192 - Emergency Response Interoperability Center.
Office of Workplace Diversity
§ 0.81 - Functions of the Office.
Mass Media Bureau
Office of Economics and Analytics
§ 0.21 - Functions of the Office.
Office of Administrative Law Judges
§ 0.151 - Functions of the Office.
Compliance and Information Bureau
Enforcement Bureau
§ 0.111 - Functions of the Bureau.
§ 0.121 - Location of field installations.
International Bureau
§ 0.51 - Functions of the Bureau.
Wireline Competition Bureau
§ 0.91 - Functions of the Bureau.
Office of Engineering and Technology
§ 0.31 - Functions of the Office.
Office of Public Affairs
Consumer Information Bureau
Cable Services Bureau
Office of Plans and Policy
Office of Media Relations
§ 0.15 - Functions of the Office.
Wireless Telecommunications Bureau
§ 0.131 - Functions of the Bureau.
Office of Strategic Planning and Policy Analysis
Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau
§ 0.141 - Functions of the Bureau.
Office of Legislative Affairs
§ 0.17 - Functions of the Office.
§ 0.19 - Functions of the Office.
Common Carrier Bureau
§ 0.1 - The Commission.
§ 0.3 - The Chairperson.
§ 0.5 - General description of Commission organization and operations.
Defense and Emergency Preparedness Functions
§ 0.183 - Emergency Communications Administration.
Media Bureau
§ 0.61 - Functions of the Bureau.
Office of Inspector General
§ 0.13 - Functions of the Office.
Office of Managing Director
§ 0.11 - Functions of the Office.
Review Board
§ 0.161 - Functions of the Board.