§ 1.3003 - Mandatory factors for evaluating conflicts of interest.  

Latest version.
  • § 1.3003 Mandatory factors for evaluating conflicts of interest.

    No gift shall be accepted under this subpart unless a determination is made that its acceptance would not create a conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest. In making conflict of interest determinations, designated agency ethics officials shall consider the following factors:

    (a) Whether the benefits of the intended gift will accrue to an individual employee and, if so -

    (1) Whether the employee is responsible for matters affecting the potential donor that are currently before the agency; and

    (2) The significance of the employee's role in any such matters;

    (b) The nature and sensitivity of any matters pending at the Commission affecting the intended donor;

    (c) The timing of the intended gift;

    (d) The market value of the intended gift;

    (e) The frequency of other gifts made by the same donor; and

    (f) The reason underlying the intended gift given in a written statement from the proposed donor.