Subpart A - General
§ 21.1 - Scope and authority.
§ 21.2 - Definitions.
Subpart B - Applications and Licenses
License Transfers, Modifications, Conditions and Forfeitures
§ 21.38 - Assignment or transfer of station authorization.
§ 21.39 - Considerations involving transfer or assignment applications.
§ 21.40 - Modification of station license.
§ 21.41 - Special processing of applications for minor facility modifications.
§ 21.42 - Certain modifications not requiring prior authorization.
§ 21.43 - Period of construction; certification of completion of construction.
§ 21.44 - Forfeiture and termination of station authorization.
§ 21.45 - License period.
§ 21.50 - [Reserved]
Processing of Applications
§ 21.26 - Receipt of applications.
§ 21.27 - Public notice period.
§ 21.28 - Dismissal and return of applications.
§ 21.29 - Ownership changes and agreements to amend or to dismiss applications or pleadings.
§ 21.30 - Opposition to applications.
§ 21.31 - Mutually exclusive applications.
§ 21.32 - Consideration of applications.
§ 21.33 - Grants by random selection.
§ 21.34 - [Reserved]
§ 21.35 - Comparative evaluation of mutually exclusive applications.
§ 21.36 - [Reserved]
§§ 21.36--21.37 - [Reserved]
General Filing Requirements
§ 21.3 - Station authorization required.
§ 21.4 - Eligibility for station license.
§ 21.5 - Formal and informal applications.
§ 21.6 - Filing of applications, fees, and number of copies.
§ 21.7 - Standard application form for domestic public fixed radio service licenses.
§ 21.8 - [Reserved]
§ 21.11 - Miscellaneous forms.
§ 21.12 - [Reserved]
§ 21.13 - General application requirements.
§ 21.14 - [Reserved]
§ 21.15 - Technical content of applications.
§ 21.16 - [Reserved]
§ 21.17 - Certification of financial qualifications.
§ 21.18 - [Reserved]
§ 21.19 - Waiver of rules.
§ 21.20 - Defective applications.
§ 21.21 - Inconsistent or conflicting applications.
§ 21.22 - Repetitious applications.
§ 21.23 - Amendment of applications.
§ 21.24 - [Reserved]
§ 21.25 - Application for temporary authorizations.
§§ 21.8--21.10 - [Reserved]
Subpart C - Technical Standards
§ 21.100 - Frequencies.
§ 21.101 - Frequency tolerance.
§ 21.105 - Bandwidth.
§ 21.106 - Emission limitations.
§ 21.107 - Transmitter power.
§ 21.108 - [Reserved]
§ 21.109 - Antenna and antenna structures.
§ 21.110 - Antenna polarization.
§ 21.111 - Use of common antenna structure.
§ 21.112 - Marking of antenna structures.
§ 21.113 - Quiet zones and Arecibo Coordination Zone.
§ 21.116 - Topographical data.
§ 21.117 - Transmitter location.
§ 21.118 - Transmitter construction and installation.
§ 21.119 - [Reserved]
§ 21.120 - Authorization of transmitters.
§ 21.121 - [Reserved]
§ 21.122 - Microwave digital modulation.
§§ 21.102--21.104 - [Reserved]
§§ 21.114--21.115 - [Reserved]
Subpart D - Technical Operation
§ 21.200 - Station inspection.
§ 21.201 - Posting of station license.
§ 21.209 - Communications concerning safety of life and property.
§ 21.210 - Operation during emergency.
§ 21.211 - Suspension of transmission.
§§ 21.202--21.208 - [Reserved]
Subpart E - Miscellaneous
§ 21.300 - [Reserved]
§ 21.301 - National defense; free service.
§ 21.302 - Answers to notices of violation.
§ 21.303 - Discontinuance, reduction or impairment of service.
§ 21.304 - Tariffs, reports, and other material required to be submitted to the Commission.
§ 21.305 - Reports required concerning amendments to charters and partnership agreements.
§ 21.306 - Requirement that licensees respond to official communications.
§ 21.307 - Equal employment opportunities.
Subpart F - Developmental Authorizations
§ 21.400 - Eligibility.
§ 21.401 - Scope of service.
§ 21.402 - Adherence to program of research and development.
§ 21.403 - Special procedure for the development of a new service or for the use of frequencies not in accordance with the provisions of the rules in this part.
§ 21.404 - Terms of grant; general limitations.
§ 21.405 - Supplementary showing required.
§ 21.406 - Developmental report required.
Subpart K - Multipoint Distribution Service
§ 21.900 - Eligibility.
§ 21.901 - Frequencies.
§ 21.902 - Interference.
§ 21.903 - Purpose and permissible service.
§ 21.904 - EIRP limitations.
§ 21.905 - Emissions and bandwidth.
§ 21.906 - Antennas.
§ 21.907 - [Reserved]
§ 21.908 - Transmitting equipment.
§ 21.909 - MDS response stations.
§ 21.910 - Special procedures for discontinuance, reduction or impairment of service by common carrier licensees.
§ 21.911 - Annual reports.
§ 21.912 - Cable television company eligibility requirements and MDS/cable cross-ownership.
§ 21.913 - Signal booster stations.
§ 21.914 - Mutually-exclusive MDS applications.
§ 21.915 - One-to-a-market requirement.
§ 21.920 - Applicability of cable television EEO requirements to MDS and MMDS facilities.
§ 21.921 - Basis and purpose for electronic filing and competitive bidding process.
§ 21.922 - Authorized frequencies.
§ 21.923 - Eligibility.
§ 21.924 - Service areas.
§ 21.925 - Applications for BTA authorizations and MDS station licenses.
§ 21.926 - Amendments to long-form applications.
§ 21.927 - Sole bidding applicants.
§ 21.928 - Acceptability of short- and long-form applications.
§ 21.929 - Authorization period for station licenses.
§ 21.930 - Five-year build-out requirements.
§ 21.931 - Partitioned service areas (PSAs).
§ 21.932 - Forfeiture of incumbent MDS station licenses.
§ 21.933 - Protected service areas.
§ 21.934 - Assignment or transfer of control of BTA authorizations.
§ 21.935 - Assignment or transfer of control of station licenses within a BTA.
§ 21.936 - Cancellation of authorization.
§ 21.937 - Negotiated interference protection.
§ 21.938 - BTA and PSA technical and interference provisions.
§ 21.939 - Harmful interference abatement.
§ 21.940 - Non-subscription MDS service.
§§ 21.940--21.949 - [Reserved]
§ 21.949 - Individually licensed 125 kHz channel MDS response stations.
§ 21.950 - MDS subject to competitive bidding.
§ 21.951 - MDS competitive bidding procedures.
§ 21.952 - Bidding application procedures.
§ 21.953 - Prohibition of collusion.
§ 21.954 - Submission of upfront payments.
§ 21.955 - [Reserved]
§ 21.956 - Filing of long-form applications or statements of intention.
§ 21.957 - Comments on statements of intention.
§ 21.958 - Issuance of BTA licenses.
§ 21.959 - [Reserved]
§ 21.960 - Designated entity provisions for MDS.
§ 21.961 - [Reserved]
§§ 21.941--21.948 - [Reserved]
§§ 21.951--21.953 - [Reserved]