§ 21.951 - MDS competitive bidding procedures.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The following competitive bidding procedures will generally be used in MDS auctions. Additional, specific procedures may be set forth by public notice. The Commission may also design and test alternative procedures. See 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.2103 and 1.2104.

    (1) Competitive bidding design. Simultaneous multiple round bidding will be used in MDS auctions, unless the Commission specifies by public notice the use of sequential oral (open outcry) bidding or sealed bidding (either sequential or simultaneous). Combinatorial bidding may also be used with any type of auction design.

    (2) Competitive bidding mechanisms. The Commission may utilize the following mechanisms in MDS auctions:

    (i) Sequencing. The Commission will establish and may vary the sequence in which the BTA service areas will be auctioned.

    (ii) Grouping. In the event the Commission uses either a simultaneous multiple round competitive bidding design or combinational bidding, the Commission will determine which BTA service areas will be auctioned simultaneously or in combination.

    (iii) Reservation price. The Commission may establish a reservation price, either disclosed or undisclosed, below which a BTA service area subject to auction will not be awarded.

    (iv) Minimum bid increments. The Commission will, by announcement before or during an MDS auction, require minimum bid increments in dollar or percentage terms.

    (v) Stopping rules. The Commission will establish stopping rules before or during multiple round MDS auctions in order to terminate an auction within a reasonable time.

    (vi) Activity Rules. The Commission will establish activity rules which require a minimum amount of bidding activity. In the event that the Commission establishes an activity rule in connection with a simultaneous multiple round auction, the Commission will allow bidders to request and to receive automatically waivers of such rule, the number of which will be determined by the Commission.

    (vii) Suggested minimum bid. The Commission may establish suggested minimum bids on each BTA service area subject to auction. Bids below the suggested minimum bid would count as activity under the activity rule only if no bids at or above the suggested minimum bid are received.

    (b) Identities of bidders. The Commission will generally release information concerning the identities of bidders before each auction but may choose, on an auction-by-auction basis, to withhold the identity of the bidders associated with bidder identification numbers. The Commission will announce by public notice before the MDS auction where the bidders’ identities will be revealed.

    (c) Commission control of auction. The Commission may delay, suspend, or cancel an MDS auction in the event of a natural disaster, technical obstacle, evidence of security breach, unlawful bidding activity, administrative necessity, or for any other reason that affects the fair and efficient conduct of the competitive bidding. The Commission also has the authority, at its sole discretion, to resume the competitive bidding starting from the beginning of the current or some previous round or cancel the competitive bidding in its entirety.