§ 22.539 - Additional channel policies.  

Latest version.
  • The rules in this subsection govern the processing of applications for a paging channel when the applicant has applied for or been granted an authorization for other paging channels in the same geographic area. This section applies to applications proposing to use the channels listed in § 22.531, excluding the nationwide network paging channels and broadcast station subcarriers, or the channels listed in § 22.561, where the application proposes to use those channels to provide paging service only. The general policy of the Commission is to assign one paging channel in an area to a carrier per application cycle. That is, a carrier must apply for one paging channel, receive the authorization, construct the station, provide service to the subscribers, and notify the Commission of commencement of service to subscribers by using FCC Form 601 before applying for an additional paging channel in that area. This notification must be sent by electronic filing via the ULS.

    (a) VHF transmitters in same area. Any transmitter on any VHF channel listed in § 22.531 is considered to be in the same geographic area as another transmitter on any other VHF channel listed in § 22.531 if:

    (1) One transmitter location is within the service area of the other transmitter; or,

    (2) The area within the overlap of the service contours of the two transmitters constitutes 50 percent or more of the service area of either of the transmitters.

    (b) 931 MHz transmitters in same area. Any transmitter on any 931 MHz channel is considered to be in the same geographic area as another transmitter on any channel listed in § 22.531 if it is located less than 64.4 kilometers (40 miles) from the transmitter. Likewise, any transmitter on any channel listed in § 22.531 is considered to be in the same geographic area as another transmitter on any 931 MHz channel if it is located less than 64.4 kilometers (40 miles) from that transmitter.

    (c) Initial channel. The FCC will not assign more than one channel for new paging stations. Paging stations are considered to be new if there are no authorized transmitters on any channel listed in § 22.531 controlled by the applicant in the same geographic area.

    (d) Additional channel. Applications for transmitters to be located in the same geographic area as an authorized station controlled by the applicant, but to operate on a different channel, are considered as requesting an additional channel for the authorized station, unless paragraph (e) of this section applies.

    (e) Additional transmitters on same channel. Notwithstanding other provisions of this section, the following applications are not considered to be requests for an additional paging channel:

    (1) Applications for transmitters to be located in the same geographic area as an authorized station controlled by the applicant, and to operate on the same paging channel;

    (2) Applications for transmitters to be located within a paging geographic area for which the applicant holds the paging geographic area authorization for the requested channel; and,

    (3) Applications for paging geographic area authorizations.

    (f) Amendment of pending application. If the FCC receives and accepts for filing an application for a transmitter to be located in the same geographic area as a transmitter proposed in a pending application previously filed by the applicant, but on a different channel, the subsequent application is considered as a major amendment to change the technical proposal of the prior application, unless paragraph (e) applies. The filing date of any application so amended is the date the FCC received the subsequent application.

    (g) Dismissal of premature applications for additional channel. If the FCC receives an application requesting an additional channel for an authorized station prior to receiving notification that the station is providing service to subscribers on the authorized channel(s), the FCC may dismiss that application without prejudice in accordance with § 22.128.