Subpart C - Technical Standards  

§ 25.200 - Interim equipment authorization.
§ 25.201 - [Reserved]
§ 25.202 - Frequencies, frequency tolerance, and emission limits.
§ 25.203 - Choice of sites and frequencies.
§ 25.204 - Power and out-of-band emission limits for earth stations.
§ 25.205 - Minimum antenna elevation angle.
§ 25.206 - Station identification.
§ 25.207 - Cessation of emissions.
§ 25.208 - Power flux-density and in-band field strength limits.
§ 25.209 - Earth station antenna performance standards.
§ 25.210 - Technical requirements for space stations.
§ 25.211 - Analog video transmissions in the FSS.
§ 25.212 - Narrowband analog transmissions and digital transmissions in the GSO FSS.
§ 25.213 - Inter-Service coordination requirements for the 1.6/2.4 GHz Mobile-Satellite Service.
§ 25.214 - Technical requirements for space stations in the Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service and associated terrestrial repeaters.
§ 25.215 - [Reserved]
§ 25.216 - Limits on emissions from mobile earth stations for protection of aeronautical radionavigation-satellite service.
§ 25.217 - Default service rules.
§ 25.218 - Off-axis EIRP density envelopes for FSS earth stations transmitting in certain frequency bands.
§ 25.219 - [Reserved]
§ 25.220 - Non-routine transmit/receive earth station operations.
§ 25.221 - Blanket licensing provisions for ESVs operating with GSO FSS space stations in the 3700-4200 MHz and 5925-6425 MHz bands.
§ 25.222 - Blanket licensing provisions for ESVs operating with GSO FSS space stations in the 10.95-11.2 GHz, 11.45-11.7 GHz, 11.7-12.2 GHz, and 14.0-14.5 GHz bands.
§ 25.223 - [Reserved]
§ 25.224 - Protection of receive-only earth stations in the 17/24 GHz BSS.
§ 25.225 - Geographic Service Requirements for 17/24 GHz Broadcasting Satellite Service.
§ 25.226 - Blanket licensing provisions for domestic, U.S. VMESs operating with GSO FSS space stations in the 10.95-11.2 GHz, 11.45-11.7 GHz, 11.7-12.2 GHz, and 14.0-14.5 GHz bands.
§ 25.227 - Blanket licensing provisions for ESAAs operating with GSO FSS space stations in the 10.95-11.2 GHz, 11.45-11.7 GHz, 11.7-12.2 GHz, and 14.0-14.5 GHz bands.
§ 25.228 - Operating and coordination requirements for earth stations in motion (ESIMs).
§ 25.250 - Sharing between NGSO MSS Feeder links Earth Stations in the 19.3-19.7 GHz and 29.1-29.5 GHz Bands.
§ 25.251 - Special requirements for coordination.
§ 25.252 - [Reserved]
§ 25.253 - Special requirements for ancillary terrestrial components operating in the 1626.5-1660.5 MHz/1525-1559 MHz bands.
§ 25.254 - Special requirements for ancillary terrestrial components operating in the 1610-1626.5 MHz/2483.5-2500 MHz bands.
§ 25.255 - Procedures for resolving harmful interference related to operation of ancillary terrestrial components operating in the 1.5/1.6 GHz and 1.6/2.4 GHz bands.
§ 25.256 - Special Requirements for operations in the 3.65-3.7 GHz band.
§ 25.257 - Special requirements for NGSO MSS operations in the 29.1-29.25 GHz band regarding LMDS.
§ 25.258 - Sharing between NGSO MSS feeder-link stations and GSO FSS services in the 29.25-29.5 GHz band.
§ 25.259 - Time sharing between NOAA meteorological satellite systems and non-voice, non-geostationary satellite systems in the 137-138 MHz band.
§ 25.260 - Time sharing between DoD meteorological satellite systems and non-voice, non-geostationary satellite systems in the 400.15-401 MHz band.
§ 25.261 - Sharing among NGSO FSS space stations.
§ 25.262 - Licensing and domestic coordination requirements for 17/24 GHz BSS space stations and FSS space stations transmitting in the 17.3-17.8 GHz band.
§ 25.263 - Information sharing requirements for SDARS terrestrial repeater operators.
§ 25.264 - Requirements to facilitate reverse-band operation in the 17.3-17.8 GHz band.
§ 25.265 - Acceptance of interference in 2000-2020 MHz.
§§ 25.221--25.223 - [Reserved]
§§ 25.252--25.256 - [Reserved]
§§ 25.223--25.249 - [Reserved]
§§ 25.215--25.249 - [Reserved]
§§ 25.226--25.227 - [Reserved]
§§ 25.216--25.249 - [Reserved]
§§ 25.226--25.249 - [Reserved]
§§ 25.227--25.249 - [Reserved]
§§ 25.218--25.219 - [Reserved]
§§ 25.218--25.249 - [Reserved]
§§ 25.228--25.249 - [Reserved]
§§ 25.229--25.249 - [Reserved]