Subpart A - General Information
§ 26.1 - Basis and purpose.
§ 26.2 - Other applicable rule parts.
§ 26.3 - Permissible communications.
§ 26.4 - Terms and definitions.
Subpart B - Applications and Licenses
§ 26.11 - Initial authorization.
§ 26.12 - Eligibility.
§ 26.13 - License period.
§ 26.14 - Criteria for comparative renewal proceedings.
Subpart C - Technical Standards
§ 26.51 - Equipment authorization.
§ 26.52 - RF safety.
§ 26.53 - Emission limits.
§ 26.54 - Frequency stability.
§ 26.55 - Field strength limits.
§ 26.56 - Antenna structures; air navigation safety.
Subpart D - Miscellaneous
§ 26.101 - Multiple ownership restrictions.
§ 26.102 - Service areas.
§ 26.103 - Frequencies.
§ 26.104 - Construction requirements.
§ 26.105 - Notification to the Arecibo Observatory.
Subpart E - Competitive Bidding Procedures for GWCS
§ 26.201 - GWCS subject to competitive bidding.
§ 26.202 - Competitive bidding design for GWCS licensing.
§ 26.203 - Competitive bidding mechanisms.
§ 26.204 - [Reserved]
§ 26.205 - Bidding application (FCC form 175 and 175-S short-form).
§ 26.206 - Submission of upfront payments and down payments.
§ 26.207 - Long-form applications.
§ 26.208 - License grant, denial, default, and disqualification.
§ 26.209 - Eligibility for partitioned licenses.
§ 26.210 - Provisions for small businesses.
Subpart F - Application, Licensing, and Processing Rules for GWCS
§ 26.301 - Authorization required.
§ 26.302 - Eligibility.
§ 26.308 - Technical content of applications; maintenance of list of station locations.
§ 26.321 - Mutually exclusive applications.
§ 26.322 - [Reserved]
§ 26.323 - Post-action divestitures.
§§ 26.303--26.307 - [Reserved]
§§ 26.324--26.326 - [Reserved]
§§ 26.309--26.320 - [Reserved]