§ 43.81 - Reports of carriers owned by foreign telecommunications entities.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The following carriers are required to file with the Commission an annual revenue and traffic report in triplicate with respect to all common carrier telecommunications services they offer within the United States.

    (1) Cable and Wireless Communications, Inc.;

    (2) FTCC Communications Inc.; and

    (3) Consortium Communications International, Inc.

    (b) The Chief, International Bureau has the authority to require that no more than six additional communications carriers owned by foreign telecommunications entities that are classified as dominant for the provision of international telecommunications services originating or terminating in the United States file § 43.81 reports.

    (c) The report should be captioned—§ 43.81 report and should provide the following:

    (1) Revenues, number of messages and number of minutes for message telephone service traffic originated and/or terminated by the filing carrier;

    (2) Revenues, number of messages, and number of minutes for telex traffic originated and/or terminated by the filing carrier;

    (3) Revenues, number of messages, and number of minutes for telegraph traffic originated and/or terminated by the filing carrier;

    (4) Revenues, number of messages, and number of minutes for any other basic switched services (specified by service) originated and/or terminated by the filing carrier; and

    (5) Number of leases and revenues from private line services provided by the filing carrier.

    (d) Section 43.81 Reports for:

    (1) The calendar year 1988 must be filed on or before August 1, 1989;

    (2) The calendar year 1989 must be filed on or before August 1, 1990; and

    (3) The calendar year 1990 must be filed on or before August 1, 1991.

    (e) These reports shall apply to nine or fewer persons and therefore are not subject to the review of the Office of Management and Budget under the Paperwork Reduction Act.