§ 64.2003 - Definitions.  

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  • § 64.2003 Notice requirements for telecommunications carriersDefinitions.

    (a) A telecommunications carrier must notify its customers of its privacy policies. Such notice must be clear and conspicuous, and in language that is comprehensible and not misleading.

    (b) Contents. A telecommunications carrier's notice of its privacy policies under paragraph (a) must:

    (1) Specify and describe the types of customer proprietary information that the telecommunications carrier collects by virtue of its provision of telecommunications service and how it uses that information;

    (2) Specify and describe under what circumstances the telecommunications carrier discloses or permits access to each type of customer proprietary information that it collects;

    (3) Specify and describe the categories of entities to which the carrier discloses or permits access to customer proprietary information and the purposes for which the customer proprietary information will be used by each category of entities;

    (4) Specify and describe customers' opt-in approval and/or opt-out approval rights with respect to their customer proprietary information, including:

    (i) That a customer's denial or withdrawal of approval to use, disclose, or permit access to customer proprietary information will not affect the provision of any telecommunications services of which he or she is a customer; and

    (ii) That any grant, denial, or withdrawal of approval for the use, disclosure, or permission of access to the customer proprietary information is valid until the customer affirmatively revokes such grant, denial, or withdrawal, and inform the customer of his or her right to deny or withdraw access to such proprietary information at any time.

    (5) Provide access to a mechanism for customers to grant, deny, or withdraw approval for the telecommunications carrier to use, disclose, or provide access to customer proprietary information as required by § 64.2004;

    (6) Be completely translated into a language other than English if the telecommunications carrier transacts business with the customer in that language.

    (c) Timing. Notice required under paragraph (a) of this section must:

    (1) Be made available to prospective customers at the point of sale, prior to the purchase of service, whether such point of sale is in person, online, over the telephone, or via another means; and

    (2) Be made persistently available through: A clear and conspicuous link on the telecommunications carrier's homepage; the carrier's application (app), if it provides one for account management purposes; and any functional equivalent to the carrier's homepage or app. If a carrier does not have a Web site, it must provide notice to customers in paper form or another format agreed upon by the customer.

    (d) Material changes to a telecommunications carrier's privacy policies. A telecommunications carrier must provide existing customers with advance notice of one or more material changes to the carrier's privacy policies. Such notice must be clear and conspicuous, and in language that is comprehensible and not misleading, and must:

    (1) Be provided through email or another means of active communication agreed upon by the customer;

    (2) Specify and describe:

    (i) The changes made to the telecommunications carrier's privacy policies, including any changes to what customer proprietary information the carrier collects, and how it uses, discloses, or permits access to such information, the categories of entities to which it discloses or permits access to customer proprietary information, and which, if any, changes are retroactive; and

    (ii) Customers' opt-in approval and/or opt-out approval rights with respect to their customer proprietary information, including the material specified in paragraph (b)(4) of this section;

    (3) Provide access to a mechanism for customers to grant, deny, or withdraw approval for the telecommunications carrier to use, disclose, or permit access to customer proprietary information as required by § 64.2004; and

    (4) Be completely translated into a language other than English if the telecommunications carrier transacts business with the customer in that language.

    Effective Date Note

    Effective Date Note:

    At 81 FR 87343, Dec. 2, 2016, § 64.2003 was revised. This section contains information collection and recordkeeping requirements and will not become effective until approval has been given by the Office of Management and Budget

    Account information. “Account information” is information that is specifically connected to the customer's service relationship with the carrier, including such things as an account number or any component thereof, the telephone number associated with the account, or the bill's amount.

    (b) Address of record. An “address of record,” whether postal or electronic, is an address that the carrier has associated with the customer's account for at least 30 days.

    (c) Affiliate. The term “affiliate” has the same meaning given such term in section 3(1) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 153(1).

    (d) Call detail information. Any information that pertains to the transmission of specific telephone calls, including, for outbound calls, the number called, and the time, location, or duration of any call and, for inbound calls, the number from which the call was placed, and the time, location, or duration of any call.

    (e) Communications-related services. The term “communications-related services” means telecommunications services, information services typically provided by telecommunications carriers, and services related to the provision or maintenance of customer premises equipment.

    (f) Customer. A customer of a telecommunications carrier is a person or entity to which the telecommunications carrier is currently providing service.

    (g) Customer proprietary network information (CPNI). The term “customer proprietary network information (CPNI)” has the same meaning given to such term in section 222(h)(1) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 222(h)(1).

    (h) Customer premises equipment (CPE). The term “customer premises equipment (CPE)” has the same meaning given to such term in section 3(14) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 153(14).

    (i) Information services typically provided by telecommunications carriers. The phrase “information services typically provided by telecommunications carriers” means only those information services (as defined in section 3(20) of the Communication Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 153(20)) that are typically provided by telecommunications carriers, such as Internet access or voice mail services. Such phrase “information services typically provided by telecommunications carriers,” as used in this subpart, shall not include retail consumer services provided using Internet Web sites (such as travel reservation services or mortgage lending services), whether or not such services may otherwise be considered to be information services.

    (j) Local exchange carrier (LEC). The term “local exchange carrier (LEC)” has the same meaning given to such term in section 3(26) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 153(26).

    (k) Opt-in approval. The term “opt-in approval” refers to a method for obtaining customer consent to use, disclose, or permit access to the customer's CPNI. This approval method requires that the carrier obtain from the customer affirmative, express consent allowing the requested CPNI usage, disclosure, or access after the customer is provided appropriate notification of the carrier's request consistent with the requirements set forth in this subpart.

    (l) Opt-out approval. The term “opt-out approval” refers to a method for obtaining customer consent to use, disclose, or permit access to the customer's CPNI. Under this approval method, a customer is deemed to have consented to the use, disclosure, or access to the customer's CPNI if the customer has failed to object thereto within the waiting period described in § 64.2008(d)(1) after the customer is provided appropriate notification of the carrier's request for consent consistent with the rules in this subpart.

    (m) Readily available biographical information. “Readily available biographical information” is information drawn from the customer's life history and includes such things as the customer's social security number, or the last four digits of that number; mother's maiden name; home address; or date of birth.

    (n) Subscriber list information (SLI). The term “subscriber list information (SLI)” has the same meaning given to such term in section 222(h)(3) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 222(h)(3).

    (o) Telecommunications carrier or carrier. The terms “telecommunications carrier” or “carrier” shall have the same meaning as set forth in section 3(44) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 153(44). For the purposes of this subpart, the term “telecommunications carrier” or “carrier” shall include an entity that provides interconnected VoIP service, as that term is defined in section 9.3 of these rules.

    (p) Telecommunications service. The term “telecommunications service” has the same meaning given to such term in section 3(46) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 153(46).

    (q) Telephone number of record. The telephone number associated with the underlying service, not the telephone number supplied as a customer's “contact information.”

    (r) Valid photo ID. A “valid photo ID” is a government-issued means of personal identification with a photograph such as a driver's license, passport, or comparable ID that is not expired.