§ 69.613 - Temporary administrator of universal service support mechanisms.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The association shall establish an independent subsidiary through which the association shall administer temporarily the portions of the universal service support mechanisms described in § 69.616 until the permanent Administrator is established and ready to commence operations. The independent subsidiary shall be incorporated under the laws of Delaware and shall be designated the Universal Service Administrative Company. The association shall submit the independent subsidiary's proposed articles of incorporation, bylaws, and any other documents necessary to incorporate the independent subsidiary to the Commission by August 1, 1997 for review prior to the independent subsidiary's incorporation.

    (b) As a condition of its appointment as the temporary Administrator of the universal service support mechanisms, the association shall agree to make available, if the association or its independent subsidiary is not appointed permanent Administrator, any and all intellectual property, including, but not limited to, all records and information generated by or resulting from the independent subsidiary's temporary administration of the universal service support mechanisms, and to make such property available to whomever the Commission directs, free of charge. Such property includes, but is not limited to, databases, processing systems, computer software programs, lists, records, information, or equipment created or purchased and used in the temporary administration of the universal service support mechanisms. The association must specify any property it proposes to exclude from the foregoing types of property based on the existence of such property prior to the effective date of the association's appointment as the temporary Administrator.

    (c) As a further condition of its appointment as the temporary Administrator of the universal service support mechanisms, the association and the independent subsidiary must provide services to the Corporations, such as contracting for the services of association or independent subsidiary employees, loans or transfers of assets, upon the request of the Corporations and on reasonable terms.