§ 74.901 - Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • Attended operation. Operation of a station by a designated person on duty at the place where the transmitting apparatus is located with the transmitter in the person's plain view.

    Booster service area. A geographic area to be designated by an applicant for a booster station, within which the booster station shall be entitled to protection against interference as set forth in this part. The booster service area must be specified by the applicant so as to not overlap the booster service area of any other booster authorized to or proposed by the applicant. However, a booster station may provide service to receive sites outside of its booster service area, at the licensee's risk of interference. The booster station must be capable of providing substantial service within the designated booster service area.

    Channel. Unless otherwise specified, a channel under this part shall refer to a 6 MHz frequency block assigned pursuant to §§ 21.901(b) of this chapter or 74.902(a).

    Documented complaint. A complaint that a party is suffering from non-consensual interference. A documented complaint must contain a certification that the complainant has contacted the operator of the allegedly offending facility and tried to resolve the situation prior to filing. The complaint must then specify the nature of the interference, whether the interference is constant or intermittent, when the interference began and the site(s) most likely to be causing the interference. The complaint should be accompanied by a videotape or other evidence showing the effects of the interference. The complaint must contain a motion for a temporary order to have the interfering station cease transmitting. The complaint must be filed with the Secretary's office and served on the allegedly offending party.

    Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power (EIRP). The product of the power supplied to the antenna and the antenna gain in a given direction relative to an isotropic antenna radiator. This product may be expressed in watts or dB above 1 watt (dBW).

    Instructional television fixed station. A fixed station licensed to an educational organization and intended primarily for video, data, or voice transmissions of instructional, cultural, and other types of educational material to one or more fixed receiving locations.

    ITFS response station. A fixed station operated by an ITFS licensee, the lessee of ITFS channel capacity or a subscriber of either to communicate with a response station hub or associated ITFS station. A response station under this part may share facilities with other ITFS response stations and/or one or more Multipoint Distribution Service (MDS) response stations authorized pursuant to § 21.909 of this chapter or § 21.949 of this chapter.

    Main channel: The main channel is that portion of each authorized channel used for the transmission of visual and aural information as set forth in § 73.682 of this Chapter and § 74.938 of this subpart.

    Point-to-point ITFS station. An ITFS station that transmits a highly directional signal from a fixed transmitter location to a fixed receive location.

    Remote control. Operation of a station by a designated person at a control position from which the transmitter is not visible but where suitable control and telemetering circuits are provided which allow the performance of the essential functions that could be performed at the transmitter.

    Response station hub. A fixed facility licensed to an ITFS licensee, and operated by an ITFS licensee or the lessee of an ITFS channel, for the reception of information transmitted by one or more ITFS response stations that utilize digital modulation with uniform power spectral density. A response station hub licensed under this part may share facilities with other ITFS response station hubs, MDS response station hubs authorized pursuant to § 21.909 of this chapter, MDS signal booster stations, ITFS signal booster stations, MDS stations, and/or ITFS stations.

    Response station hub license. A blanket license authorizing the operation of a single response station hub at a specific location and the operation of a specified number of associated digital response stations of one or more classes at unspecified locations within one or more regions of the response service area.

    Sectorization. The use of an antenna system at an ITFS station, booster station and/or response station hub that is capable of simultaneously transmitting multiple signals over the same frequencies to different portions of the service area and/or simultaneously receiving multiple signals over the same frequencies from different portions of the service area.

    Signal booster station. An ITFS station licensed for use in accordance with § 74.985 that operates on one or more ITFS channels. Signal booster stations are intended to augment service as part of a distributed transmission system where signal booster stations retransmit the signal of an ITFS station and/or originate information. A signal booster station licensed under this part may share facilities with other ITFS signal booster stations, MDS signal booster stations authorized pursuant to § 21.913 of this chapter, MDS response stations and/or ITFS response stations.

    Studio to transmitter link (STL). A directional path used to transmit a signal from a station's studio to its transmitter.

    Subsidiary channel: A subsidiary channel is any portion of an authorized channel not used for main channel transmissions.

    Temporary fixed ITFS station. An ITFS station used for the transmission of material from temporary unspecified points to an ITFS station.

    Unattended operation. Operation of a station by automatic means whereby the transmitter is turned on and off and performs its functions without attention by a designated person.