§ 76.619 - Grandfathered Operation in the frequency bands 108-136 and 225-400 MHz.  

Latest version.
  • All cable television systems operating in a grandfathered status under § 76.618 of the Rules and transmitting carriers or other signal components capable of delivering peak power equal to or greater than 10−5 watts at any point in the cable system in the frequency bands 108-136 and 225-400 MHz for any purpose are subject to the following requirements:

    (a) The operator of the cable system shall notify the Commission annually of all signals carried in these bands, noting the type of information carried by the signal (television, aural, or pilot carrier and system control, etc.). The timely filing of FCC Form 325, Schedule 2, will meet this requirement.

    (b) The operator of the cable system shall notify the Commission of the proposed extension of the system radius in these bands. Notification shall include carrier and subcarrier frequencies, types of modulation, the previously notified geographical coordinates, the new system radius and the maximum peak power occurring at any location in the cable distribution system. No system shall extend its radius in these bands without prior Commission authorization.

    (c) The operator of the cable system shall maintain at its local office a current listing of all signals carried in these bands, noting carrier and subcarrier frequencies, types of modulation, and maximum peak power which occurs at any location within the cable distribution system.

    (d) The operator of the system shall provide for regular monitoring of the cable system for signal leakage covering all portions of the cable system at least once each calendar year. Monitoring equipment and procedures shall be adequate to detect leakage sources which produce field strengths in these bands of 20 microvolts per meter at a distance of 3 meters. The operator shall maintain a log showing the date and location of each leakage source identified, the date on which the leakage was eliminated, and the probable cause of the leakage. The log shall be kept on file for a period of two (2) years, and shall be made to authorized representatives of the Commission on request.

    (e) All carrier signals or signal components capable of delivering peak power equal to or greater than 10−5 watts must be operated at frequencies offset from aeronautical radio services operated by Commission licensees or by the United States Government or its agencies within 111 km (60 nautical miles) of any portion of the cable system as given in paragraph (f) of this section. (The limit of 111 km may be increased by the Commission in cases of “extended service volumes” as defined by the Federal Aviation Administration or other federal government agency for low altitude radio navigation or communication services). If an operator of a cable system is notified by the Commission that a change in operation of an aeronautical radio service will place the cable system in conflict with any of the offset criteria, the cable system operator is responsible for eliminating such conflict within 30 days of notification.

    (f) A minimum frequency offset between the nominal carrier frequency of an aeronautical radio service qualifying under paragraph (d) of this Section and the nominal frequency of any cable system carrier or signal component capable of delivering peak power equal to or greater than 10−5 watts shall be maintained or exceeded at all times. The minimum frequency offsets are as follows:

    FrequenciesMinimun frequency offsets108-118 MHz(50+T) kHz.328.6-335.4 MHz108-136 MHz225-328.6 MHz(100+T) kHz.335.4-400 MHz In this table, T is the absolute value of the frequency tolerance of the cable television signal. The actual frequency tolerance will depend on the equipment and operating procedures of the cable system, but in no case shall the frequency tolerance T exceed ±25 kHz in the bands 108-136 and 225-400 MHz. Effective Date Note:

    At 69 FR 57862, Sept. 28, 2004, § 76.619 was removed, effective Oct. 28, 2004.