§ 80.817 - Tests of radiotelegraph auto alarm.  

Latest version.
  • Link to an amendment published at 68 FR 46973, Aug. 7, 2003.

    (a) The radio officer must at least once every 24 hours while the ship is in the open sea:

    (1) Test the auto alarm by using the testing device to determine whether the auto alarm will respond to not less than 4 nor more than 12 consecutive dashes having an approximate duration of 4 seconds and an approximate spacing of 1 second.

    (2) Determine the proper functioning of the auto alarm receiver while connected to its normal antenna, by actual operation and comparison of received signals with similar signals received on 500 kHz by the main receiver.

    (b) If the auto alarm is not in proper operating condition, the radio officer must report that fact to the master or officer on watch on the bridge.

    (c) A statement that the tests specified in this section have been made, and the results of such tests, must be inserted in the radiotelegraph station log.

    Effective Date Note:

    At 68 FR 46973, Aug. 7, 2003, § 80.817 was removed, effective October 6, 2003.