§ 80.830 - Power supply for survival craft nonportable radiotelegraph installation.  

Latest version.
  • Link to an amendment published at 68 FR 46973, Aug. 7, 2003.

    (a) The power supply for the survival craft nonportable radiotelegraph installation must consist of a battery capable of operating the survival craft radiotelegraph installation for at least 6 hours continuously under normal working conditions.

    (b) The battery may power equipment other than the radiotelegraph installation (except that it must not be used to supply power to any engine starting motor or ignition system) provided such additional use will not adversely affect the required capabilities of the battery. All circuits connected to the battery must be independently fused.

    (c) The battery must be kept charged at all times while at sea. The charging of the battery must not require its removal from the survival craft in which it is installed. The necessary charging equipment must not interfere with the launching of the survival craft, and must be easily and quickly removable. The charging circuit for the battery must be routed through the radiotelegraph operating room, and include a device located in the radiotelegraph operating room which will give continuous indication of the polarity and the rate of charge.

    (d) Installation must provide for charging of the battery by means of a generator on the survival craft engine.

    (e) Subject to approval of the United States Coast Guard, the battery must be mounted in a suitable container that will provide protection from salt water spray and also allow proper ventilation.

    Effective Date Note:

    At 68 FR 46973, Aug. 7, 2003, § 80.830 was removed, effective October 6, 2003.