§ 87.79 - Answer to notice of violation.

Latest version.
  • (a) Any person who receives an official notice of violation of the Communications Act, any legislative act, executive order, treaty to which the U.S. is a party, terms of a station or operator license, or the Commission's rules must send a written answer, in duplicate, to the office which originated the notice, within 10 days of receipt. If the licensee cannot acknowledge within the allotted period due to unavoidable circumstances, an answer must be given at the earliest practicable date with a satisfactory explanation of the delay.

    (b) The answer to each notice must be complete in itself. The answer must contain a full expalantion of the incident involved and must give the action taken to prevent a recurrence of the violation. If the notice relates to operator errors, the answer must give the name and license number of the operator on duty.