§ 90.1432 - Conditions for waiver to allow limited and temporary wideband operations in the 700 MHz public safety spectrum.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Wideband operations in the 700 MHz Public Safety spectrum. Wideband operations are prohibited in the public safety allocation of the 700 MHz band public safety spectrum except where the Commission has granted a waiver pursuant to §§1.3 and 1.925 of this chapter and subject to the additional conditions and requirements specified in this section. Grants of waiver are restricted to the deployment of a wideband system in the consolidated narrowband portion or the internal public safety guard band portion of the public safety broadband spectrum. Where spectrum in the narrowband segment or internal guard band segment is unavailable for wideband operations, public safety entities may request a waiver to operate in the upper 1.25 megahertz of the public safety broadband spectrum.

    (b) Any public safety entity seeking to conduct wideband operations within the public safety allocation must file a request for waiver that is accompanied by an application for authorization and includes the following information:

    (1) A letter from the Public Safety Broadband Licensee, confirming that the proposed wideband deployment is not inconsistent with the broadband deployment plan for the affected or adjacent service areas; and

    (2) A description of the conditions or transition requirements, if any, agreed to between the applicant and the Public Safety Broadband Licensee.

    (c) Additional requirement for wideband operations in the narrowband segment and Internal Guard Band. If an applicant seeks permission to deploy wideband systems in the narrowband segment, its waiver request must also include a letter from the appropriate regional planning committee or state licensee confirming that the proposed wideband deployment will not disrupt any regional or state planning efforts that are underway.

    (d) Additional requirements and conditions for wideband operations in the broadband segment. Permission to conduct wideband operations in the broadband segment will be granted only where spectrum in the narrowband segment or the internal guard band is unavailable for wideband operations. In no event will permission be granted to conduct wideband operations in geographic areas scheduled for broadband deployment within the first three years of the build-out plan for the Shared Wireless Broadband Network.

    (1) An applicant seeking permission to deploy wideband systems in the broadband segment must have first issued a request for proposal (RFP) that permitted interested parties to submit broadband proposals that are technically consistent with the Shared Wireless Broadband Network.

    (2) A request for waiver that seeks permission to deploy wideband systems in the broadband segment must include the following information:

    (i) A substantially supported, detailed technical showing demonstrating that insufficient spectrum in the narrowband segment or the internal guard band is available to support the desired wideband operations;

    (ii) A showing that rejected responses to the required broadband network RFP were more costly, provided less coverage as measured by throughput at the network edge, or were otherwise inferior to the accepted wideband proposal; and

    (iii) A detailed plan for integration of such wideband system into the Shared Wireless Broadband Network. This plan must specify how and by what date the wideband applicant will integrate its proposed wideband system into Shared Wireless Broadband Network and must include a certification that the public safety entity will not seek reimbursement for any costs involved in converting the wideband system to Shared Wireless Broadband Network upon completion of that network in the applicant's geographic area.

    (3) Authority to conduct wideband operations in the broadband segment of the public safety spectrum will be subject to the following conditions:

    (i) All devices operating on the wideband system must be designed to interoperate with Shared Wireless Broadband Network;

    (ii) All waivers will expire automatically upon the Upper 700 MHz D Block licensee's initiation of service in the service area covered by such waiver.

    (e) Secondary status of wideband operations. All wideband operations permitted under this section shall be secondary to the authorized narrowband or broadband applications, as applicable.

    (f) License terms for wideband operations. Any secondary license to conduct wideband operations in the public safety spectrum shall have a term of no more than five years.

    (g) Renewal of wideband authorization. Any request for renewal of an initial authorization to conduct wideband operations shall be filed not less than 180 days prior to expiration of the license. All renewal requests must include a showing that continued operation of the wideband system is in the public interest and must be accompanied by a letter from the Public Safety Broadband Licensee confirming that continuing wideband operations are not inconsistent with the broadband deployment plan for the affected or adjacent service areas. The license term for any renewal of a license granted under the waiver provisions herein shall not exceed three years. No more than one license renewal will be granted.

    (h) Grandfathered wideband STA operations. Upon request, the Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau may grant a public safety entity that has constructed, deployed, and was operating a wideband system as of July 31, 2007 pursuant to STA to extend the STA grant for periods of no more than 180 days until, but not later than, six months following the selection of the Public Safety Broadband Licensee.