§ 95.219 - (R/C Rule 19) How do I answer correspondence from the FCC?  

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  • § 95.219 (R/C Rule 19) How do I answer correspondence from the FCC?

    (a) If it appears to the FCC that you have violated the Communications Act or FCC rules, the FCC may send you a discrepancy notice.

    (b) Within the time period stated in the notice, you must answer with:

    (1) A complete written statement about the apparent discrepancy;

    (2) A complete written statement about any action you have taken to correct the apparent violation and to prevent it from happening again; and

    (3) The name of the person operating at the time of the apparent violation.

    (c) If the FCC send you a letter asking you questions about your R/C radio station or its operation, you must answer each of the questions with a complete written statement within the time period stated in the letter.

    (d) You must not shorten your answer by references to other communications or notices.

    (e) You must send your answer to the FCC office which sent you the notice.

    (f) You must keep a copy of your answer in your station records (see R/C Rule 24, § 95.224).