§ 95.2563 - MedRadio frequency bands.  

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  • § 95.2563 MedRadio frequency bands.

    MedRadio transmitters operate in the 401-406 MHz, 413-419 MHz, 426-432 MHz, 438-444 MHz, 451-457 MHz, and 2360-2400 MHz bands. The FCC does not specify a channeling scheme for MedRadio systems.

    (a) MedRadio transmitters associated with medical implant devices, which incorporate a frequency monitoring system as set forth in § 95.2559(a), may transmit on any frequency in the 401-406 MHz band.

    (b) MedRadio transmitters associated with medical implant devices, which do not incorporate a frequency monitoring system as set forth in § 95.2559(a), may transmit on any frequency in the 401-402 MHz or 405-406 MHz bands, or on the frequency 403.65 MHz in the 402-405 MHz band.

    (c) MedRadio transmitters associated with medical body-worn devices, regardless of whether a frequency monitoring system as set forth in § 95.2559(a) is employed, may transmit on any frequency in the 401-402 MHz or 405-406 MHz bands.

    (d) MedRadio transmitters that are used externally to evaluate the efficacy of a more permanent medical implant device, regardless of whether a frequency monitoring system as set forth in § 95.2559(a) is employed, may operate on any frequency in the 402-405 MHz band, provided that:

    (1) Such external body-worn operation is limited solely to evaluating with a patient the efficacy of a fully implanted permanent medical device that is intended to replace the temporary body-worn device;

    (2) RF transmissions from the external device must cease following the patient evaluation period, which may not exceed 30 days, except where a health care practitioner determines that additional time is necessary due to unforeseen circumstances;

    (3) The maximum output power of the temporary body-worn device must not exceed 200 nW EIRP; and

    (4) The temporary body-worn device must comply fully with all other MedRadio rules applicable to medical implant device operation in the 402-405 MHz band.

    (e) Only MedRadio transmitters that are part of a Medical Micropower Network (MMN) may operate in the 413-419 MHz, 426-432 MHz, 438-444 MHz, and 451-457 MHz bands. Each MedRadio transmitter that is part of an MMN must be capable of operating in each of the following bands: 413-419 MHz, 426-432 MHz, 438-444 MHz, and 451-457 MHz. All MedRadio transmitters that are part of a single MMN must operate in the same band.

    (f) Only MedRadio transmitters that are part of a Medical Body Area Network (MBAN) may operate in the 2360-2400 MHz band.