Chapter 8—Department of Veterans Affairs  

SubChapter A - General
Part 800 - [Reserved]
Part 801 - Department of Veterans Affairs Acquisition Regulation System
Part 802 - Definitions of Words and Terms
Part 803 - Improper Business Practices and Personal Conflicts of Interest
Part 804 - Administrative and Information Matters
SubChapter B - Acquisition Planning
Part 805 - Publicizing Contract Actions
Part 806 - Competition Requirements
Part 807 - Acquisition Planning
Part 808 - Required Sources of Supplies and Services
Part 809 - Contractor Qualifications
Part 810 - Market Research
Part 811 - Describing Agency Needs
Part 812 - Acquisition of Commercial Products and Commercial Services
SubChapter C - Contracting Methods and Contract Types
Part 813 - Simplified Acquisition Procedures
Part 814 - Sealed Bidding
Part 815 - Contracting by Negotiation
Part 816 - Types of Contracts
Part 817 - Special Contracting Methods
SubChapter D - Socioeconomic Programs
Part 819 - Small Business Programs
Part 822 - Application of Labor Laws to Government Acquisitions
Part 823 - Environment, Energy and Water Efficiency, Renewable Energy Technologies, Occupational Safety, and Drug-Free Workplace
Part 824 - Protection of Privacy and Freedom of Information
Part 825 - Foreign Acquisition
Part 826 - Other Socioeconomic Programs
SubChapter E - General Contracting Requirements
Part 828 - Bonds and Insurance
Part 829 - Taxes
Part 830 - Cost Accounting Standards Administration
Part 831 - Contract Cost Principles and Procedures
Part 832 - Contract Financing
Part 833 - Protests, Disputes, and Appeals
SubChapter F - Special Categories of Contracting
Part 836 - Construction and Architect-Engineer Contracts
Part 837 - Service Contracting
Part 839 - Acquisition of Information Technology
Part 841 - Acquisition of Utility Services
Part 835 - Research and Development Contracting
SubChapter G - Contract Management
Part 842 - Contract Administration and Audit Services
Part 843 - Contract Modifications
Part 844 - Subcontracting Policies and Procedures
Part 845 - Government Property
Part 846 - Quality Assurance
Part 847 - Transportation
Part 849 - Termination of Contracts
SubChapter H—Clauses and Forms
Part 852 - Solicitation Provisions and Contract Clauses
Part 853 - Forms
SubChapter I—Department Supplementary Regulations
Part 870 - Special Procurement Controls
Part 871 - Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Programs
Part 872 - [Reserved]
Part 873 - Simplified Procedures for Health-Care Resources
Parts 874--899 - [Reserved]