§ 1201.301 - Policy.  

Latest version.
  • 1201.301 Policy.


    (1) Acquisition regulations -

    (i) Departmentwide Department-wide acquisition regulations. The Department of Transportation's (DOT's) Senior Procurement Executive (SPE) is the individual having authority to issue or authorize the issuance of agency regulations that implement or supplement the FAR and to include agency-unique policies, etc. procedures, contract clauses, solicitation provisions, and forms that govern the contracting process. This authority was is re-delegated from the Assistant Secretary for Administration to the SPE.

    (ii) Operating Administration (OA) acquisition regulations. OA acquisition regulations, and any changes thereto, supplemental acquisition regulations proposed to be inserted in the TAR as a TAR supplement regulation shall be reviewed and approved by the SPE. If approved by the SPE, the Office of the Senior Procurement Executive (SPE) for insertion into the (TAR) 48 CFR chapter 12 as a TAR supplemental regulation before the SPE submits the proposed coverage will prepare the rule for publication in the Federal Register in accordance with ( FAR ) 48 CFR 1.501. OA regulations may be more restrictive or require higher approval levels than those permitted required by (the TAR ) 48 CFR chapter 12 unless otherwise specified.

    (2) Acquisition procedures. The SPE is the individual who issues or authorizes the issuance of internal agency guidance at any organizational level. DOT internal operating procedures are contained in the Transportation Acquisition Manual ( TAM). OA procedures necessary to implement or supplement the ( FAR) 48 CFR chapter 1, ( TAR) 48 CFR chapter 12, or TAM may be issued by the Head head of the Contracting Agency contracting activity (HCA), who may delegate this authority to any organizational level deemed appropriate. OA procedures may be more restrictive or require higher approval levels than those permitted by the TAM unless otherwise specified.

    (b) The authority of the agency head under ( FAR ) 48 CFR 1.301(b) to establish procedures to ensure that agency acquisition regulations are published for comment in the Federal Register in conformance with the procedures in FAR Subpart subpart 1.5 is delegated to the Office of the General Counsel, Assistant General Counsel for Regulation and Enforcement (C-50).