§ 1516.303-73 - Types of cost-sharing.  

Latest version.
  • 1516.303-73 Types of cost-sharing.

    (a) Cost-sharing may be accomplished in various forms or combinations. These include, but are not limited to: cash outlays, real property or interest therein, personal property or services, cost matching, or other in-kind contributions.

    (b) In-kind contributions represent non-cash contributions provided by the performing contractor which would normally be a charge against the contract. While in-kind contributions are an acceptable method of cost-sharing, should the booked costs of property appear unrealistic, the fair market value of the property shall be determined pursuant to 1516.303-74 of this chapter.

    (c) In-kind contributions may be in the form of personal property (equipment or supplies) or services which are directly beneficial, specifically identifiable and necessary for the performance of the contract. In-kind contributions must meet all of the following criteria before acceptance.

    (1) Be verifiable from the contractor's books and records;

    (2) Not be included as contributions under any other Federal contract;

    (3) Be necessary to accomplish project objectives;

    (4) Provide for types of charges that would otherwise be allowable under applicable Federal cost principles appropriate to the contractor's organization; and

    (5) Not be paid for by the Federal Government under any contract, agreement or grant.

    [61 FR 14504, Apr. 2, 1996]