§ 1807.7102-2 - Submission of amendments to the Master Buy Plan.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Acquisitions identified by installations after submission of their Master Buy Plan and meeting the criteria in 1807.7102-1(a) shall be submitted to Headquarters in accordance with 1807.7103 and identified as an amendment to the fiscal year Master Buy Plan submission.

    (b) Master Buy Plan submissions should not be accomplished after the fact. Amendments shall be submitted sufficiently in advance of contract award date to allow Headquarters to select those acquisition documents that will be subject to Headquarters review and approval without creating an unacceptable delay in contract placement.

    (c) When timely submittal is not possible, the installation shall provide with the amendment a narrative explaining the circumstances leading to the late submittal. A Master Buy Plan submission for a contract change order expected to meet the criteria in 1807.7101 shall be submitted to Headquarters immediately upon issuance of the change order.