§ 1807.7102-3 - Selection and notification procedures.

Latest version.
  • (a) The Headquarters Office of Procurement (Code HS) shall select acquisition documents from the Master Buy Plan and amendments to Master Buy Plans to receive Headquarters review and approval and shall designate source selection officials.

    (b) When, subsequent to document selection or delegation, an acquisition is changed (for example, increase or decrease in dollar amount, change in requirement), canceled, superseded, deferred, or becomes no longer subject to the Master Buy Plan procedures in accordance with the criteria in 1807.7101, the installation shall immediately notify Code HS, giving the reasons. Code HS shall notify the installation's procurement office in writing of any further action that may be required.

    (c) Acquisition documents not selected for Headquarters review will be subject to after-the-fact reviews by Headquarters during normal procurement management surveys or other special reviews. Acquisition delegations may subsequently be rescinded if a Headquarters review is deemed appropriate.