§ 1815.1004-4 - Procedures.

Latest version.
  • (a) The recipient of a written or oral debriefing request shall immediately refer the request to the installation procurement officer.

    (b) The procurement officer, upon receipt of a debriefing request, shall inform the designated official and other concerned officials at the installation and, in the case of procurement actions where an Associate Administrator or the Administrator was the Selection Official, the cognizant NASA Headquarters personnel.

    (c)(1) If an unsuccessful offeror in a negotiated procurement submits, prior to the award of the contract, a written request for a debriefing, such a debriefing will be provided at the earliest feasible time. Except as provided in paragraph (c)(2) of this section, debriefings shall be conducted after announcement of the selection decision and prior to award of the contract. (Selection decision means the final selection of the one successful contractor, or the contractors where more than one contract is to be awarded). If the selection decision involves more than one contractor pursuant to the Major System Acquisition process, the debriefing will be limited in such a manner that it does not prematurely disclose innovative concepts, designs, and approaches of the successful contractor(s) that would result in a transfusion of ideas which also could inhibit contractors during the early phase from offering their best and most promising ideas for meeting the mission need.

    (2) When the exigency of the situation will not permit delaying the award in order to debrief unsuccessful offerors, such debriefings may be conducted after award.

    (d) A summary of the results of each debriefing, signed by the conducting NASA official, shall be placed in the contract file.