§ 1815.207-71 - Appointing non-Government evaluators as special Government employees.  

Latest version.
  • 1815.207-71 Appointing non-Government evaluators as special Government employees.

    (a) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, non-Government evaluators, except employees of JPL, shall be appointed as special Government employees.

    (b) Appointment as a special Government employee is a separate action from the approval required by paragraph 1815.207-70(b) and may be processed concurrently. Appointment as a special Government employee shall be made by:

    (1) The NASA Headquarters personnel office when the release of proposal information is to be made by a NASA Headquarters office; or

    (2) The installation personnel office when the release of proposal information is to be made by the installation.

    (c) Non-Government evaluators need not be appointed as special Government employees when they evaluate:

    (1) Proposals submitted in response to broad agency announcements such as Announcements of Opportunity and NASA Research Announcements;

    (2) Unsolicited proposals; and

    (3) SBIR and STTR proposals.

    [63 FR 9954, Feb. 27, 1998, as amended at 63 FR 44408, Aug. 19, 1998]