§ 1815.406-2 - Part I—The Schedule.  

Latest version.
  • Section C, Description/specifications/work statement. (a) In source evaluation board procurements, when detailed program or project support plans will be required as part of the offeror's proposal, but will not be important discriminators in the evaluation process and cover only technical or management support to the primary product or service being offered, describe the requirements for those plans in separate appendices to the statement of work (see 1815.406-70(a)(7)).

    (b) In solicitations for cost-reimbursement support services contracts requiring price quotations, include available data regarding the quantity and quality of supplies and services required, set forth in terms of work hours of identifiable categories of labor, including experience and related qualifications, and in terms of quantities of supplies, all exclusive of costs (see 1815.406-70(b)(8)).