§ 1815.407-70 - NASA solicitation provisions.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The contracting officer shall insert in RFP's and RFQ's (but not in solicitations for information or planning purposes) the provision at 1852.215-72, Restriction on Use and Disclosure of Proposal/Quotation Information (Data). (See also 1815.509-70(a)).

    (b) In accordance with 1815.412, the contracting officer shall use the provision at 1852.215-73, Late Submissions, Modifications, and Withdrawals of Proposals (AO and SBIR Programs), in lieu of the provision at FAR 52.215-10 in Announcements of Opportunity issued pursuant to subpart 1870.1 and in Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) solicitations. This provision allows the project office to accept late proposals or proposal modifications and late best and final offers if, in the selection official's judgment, to do so is in the Government's best interest.

    (c) The contracting officer may insert a provision substantially as stated at 1852.215-74, Alternate Proposals, in competitive requests for proposals if receipt of alternate proposals would benefit the Government. See FAR 52.215-13(d).

    (d) In accordance with 1815.406-5(b)(7), the contracting officer shall insert the provision at 1852.215-75, Expenses Related to Offeror Submissions, in all requests for proposals.

    (e) In accordance with 1815.406-5(b)(8), the contracting officer shall insert the provision at 1852.215-76, False Statements, in all requests for proposals to advise offerors of the penalty for making false statements in proposals.

    (f) The contracting officer shall insert the provision at 1852.215-77, Preproposal/Pre-bid Conference, in competitive requests for proposals and invitations for bids where the Government intends to conduct a preproposal or pre-bid conference. Insert the appropriate specific information relating to the conference. Supplemental information, such as an agenda summary and whether a tour is included, may be identified in “Other Information.”

    (g) The contracting officer shall insert the provision at 1852.215-80, Disposal of Unsuccessful Proposals, in competitive requests for proposals.

    (h) For grouping items in the solicitation in contemplation of an aggregate award, see 1814.201-670(b).

    (i) For requiring full quantities to be proposed, see 1814.201-670(c).

    (j) The contracting officer shall insert the provision at 1852.215-81, Proposal Page Limitations, in all competitive requests for proposals.

    (k) The contracting officer shall insert the provision at 1852.215-82, Offeror Oral Presentations, in competitive requests for proposals when the Government intends to allow offerors to make oral presentations prior to commencement of the Government's formal evaluation.