§ 1815.503 - General.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Submission to other agencies or JPL. NASA will not accept for formal evaluation unsolicited proposals initially submitted to another agency or to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) without the offeror's express consent.

    (b) Transferring proposals. When a reviewing official determines that an unsolicited proposal is not related to NASA's mission or may be of interest to other agencies or to JPL in addition to NASA, the proposal control officer may identify for the offeror other agencies whose missions may bear a relationship to the subject matter of the unsolicited proposal. NASA shall not respond to an unsolicited proposal by transferring it to another agency or JPL for action without the offeror's written consent.

    (c) Relationship to award. An unsolicited proposal may result in the award of a contract, a grant, a cooperative agreement, or other agreement. If a grant or cooperative agreement is used, the NASA Grant and Cooperative Agreement Handbook (NHB 5800.1) applies.