§ 1815.808 - Price negotiation memorandum.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The price negotiation memorandum (PNM) serves as a detailed summary of (1) the technical, business, contractual, pricing (including price reasonableness), and other elements of the contract negotiated, and (2) the methodology and rationale used in arriving at the final negotiated agreement.

    (b) When the PNM is a “stand-alone” document, it shall contain the information required by the FAR and NFS for both PPM's and PNM's. However, when a PPM has been prepared under 1815.807, the subsequent PNM need only provide any information required by FAR 15.808 that was not provided in the PPM. The FAR 15.808(a)(4) requirement, that the current status of the contractor's systems be included, must be addressed in the PNM. If any of these systems do not apply to a particular procurement, the reasons for not including their status must be explained. Also, explain the differences between the prenegotiation objective position and the final negotiated settlement, including each proposed subcontract that meets the requirement of FAR 15.806-2(a). If, at the time of negotiated settlement for cost-reimbursement type prime contracts, there remain significant pricing uncertainties with respect to any proposed subcontract that meets the requirement of FAR 15.806-2(a), each such subcontract shall be discussed in the PNM, identified in the contract Schedule for special surveillance, and set aside for subcontract consent by the NASA contracting officer in accordance with FAR 44.2 and NFS 1844.102-70.