§ 1822.102-70 - Suspension or relaxation of State labor standards.  

Latest version.
  • (a) NASA officials shall not initiate applications to State agencies or officials for the suspension or relaxation of State labor standards.

    (b) When suspension or relaxation of State labor standards does not conflict with Federal labor laws, contracting officers may support applications of contractors or subcontractors if—

    (1) The required products or services are in short supply and failure to meet production schedules for critically needed end items will result unless the standards are suspended or relaxed;

    (2) No alternative sources of supply for such products or services are available within the required delivery schedule;

    (3) Remedial action (such as recruitment, training, and more effective utilization of labor) is not practicable; and

    (4) The granting of the application will not result in impairment of working conditions to the extent that productivity at the facility will be adversely affected.

    (c) NASA letters of support will be addressed to the appropriate State agency and will indicate—

    (1) The facilities and services affected; and

    (2) The extent of suspension or relaxation of the particular State labor standard required to complete the specific work in conformity with the delivery schedule.