§ 1836.602-70 - Selection of architect-engineers for master planning. (NASA supplements paragraphs (a) and (b))  

Latest version.
  • (a) Definition of master plan. A master plan is an integrated series of documents presenting in graphic, narrative, and tabular form the present composition of the installation and the plan for its orderly and comprehensive development to perform its various missions in the most efficient and economical manner.

    (b) Selection.

    (1) Selection of an Architect-Engineer for the development of a master plan in connection with the establishment of a new NASA activity or installation shall be made by the Associate Administrator having institutional responsibility. The report of the architect-engineer selection board will be concurred in at NASA Headquarters by the Assistant Administrator for Management Systems, the Assistant Administrator for Procurement, the Chief Financial Officer, and the General Counsel.

    (2) The Assistant Administrator for Management Systems shall be responsible for the architect-engineer selection board report required by FAR 36.602-3(d) before presentation to the Associate Administrator having institutional responsibility.