§ 1837.105 - Competition in service contracting.  

Latest version.
  • (a) See 1837.104 of this subpart regarding negotiation for personal and professional services.

    (b) Frequently NASA must contract for services that require immediate performance after minimum prior notice to proceed. Typical of these requirements are contracts for engineering services; maintenance, repair, or overhaul of specialized equipment; and printing or reproduction and data processing services to be furnished on a “call basis” when time is of the essence to meet priority requirements.

    (c) The NASA policy of obtaining competition to the maximum practicable extent applies to these types of services. Geographic limitations imposed on prospective contractors are likely to appear arbitrary to the business community and therefore are proper only when demonstrably justifiable. Even when a geographic limitation is justifiable, no firm desiring to compete for the procurement may be denied the opportunity to do so merely because it is located outside the geographic area. Such firms shall be permitted to submit offers, provided they can substantiate their capability to establish a facility in a location that complies with any required geographical limitation.

    (d) A preferred method of obtaining services or supplies required on a prompt response basis is by clearly describing in the solicitation the maximum time that may elapse between placement of the order or call and the delivery date. Such time limitations, when required by the nature of the procurement, will normally meet NASA's needs for prompt delivery without introducing unnecessarily restrictive criteria limiting the competitive field of prospective contractors.

    (e) The procurement officer or a designee shall review and approve, prior to distribution, solicitations that contemplate either a geographical-area or time-of-performance limitation.