§ 1837.202-70 - NASA policy.  

Latest version.
  • In addition to the prohibitions regarding advisory and assistance services listed at FAR 37.202(c)—

    (a) Contracts for advisory and assistance services shall not be continued longer than five years;

    (b) Advisory and assistance services of individual experts and consultants shall normally be obtained by appointment rather than by contract (see NMI 3304.1, Employment of Experts and Consultants);

    (c) Task orders for advisory and assistance services issued under the prime contract between the California Institute of Technology and NASA for the operation of the JPL facility must be reviewed and approved in accordance with this subpart 1837.2; and

    (d) Persons or organizations providing advisory and assistance services to NASA must be free from conflict of interest as delineated in FAR subpart 9.5, Organizational Conflicts of Interest, and NFS subpart 1809.5. When considering advisory and assistance service arrangements with former Government employees, compliance with NFS 1803.7001 and 18 U.S.C. 207 is required.