§ 1872.402 - Criteria for evaluation.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Each AO must indicate those criteria which the evaluators will apply in evaluating a proposal. The relative importance of each criterion must also be stated. This information will allow investigators to make informed judgments in formulating proposals that best meet the stated objectives.

    (b) Following is a list of general evaluation criteria appropriate for inclusion in most AOs:

    (1) The scientific, applications, and/or technological merit of the investigation.

    (2) The relevance of the proposed investigation to the AO's stated scientific, applications, and/or technological objectives.

    (3) The competence and experience of the investigator and any investigative team.

    (4) Adequacy of whatever apparatus may be proposed with particular regard to its ability to supply the data needed for the investigation.

    (5) The reputation and interest of the investigator's institution, as measured by the willingness of the institution to provide the support necessary to ensure that the investigation can be completed satisfactorily.

    (6) Cost and management aspects will be considered in all selections.

    (7) The proposed approach to managing risk (e.g., level of technology maturity being applied or developed, technical complexity, performance specifications and tolerances, delivery schedule, etc.).

    (8) Other or additional criteria may be used, but the evaluation criteria must be germane to the accomplishment of the stated objectives.

    (c) Once the AO is issued, it is essential that the evaluation criteria be applied in a uniform manner. If it becomes apparent, before the date set for receipt of proposals, that the criteria or their relative importance should be changed, the AO will be amended, and all known recipients will be informed of the change and given an adequate opportunity to consider it in submission of their proposals. Evaluation criteria and/or their relative importance will not be changed after the date set for receipt of proposals.