§ 1872.702 - Negotiation, discussions, and contract award.  

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  • (a) The AO shall be synopsized in the Commerce Business Daily. Responses to the synopsis must be added to the AO mailing list. Every effort should be made to publish opportunities far enough in advance to encourage a broad response. (In no case less than 45 days before the date set for receipt of proposals).

    (b) Significant items for consideration after receipt of proposals:

    (1) Late proposals—The policy on late proposals contained in 1815.208 is applicable. Potential investigators should be informed of this policy. In the AO context, the selection official or designee will determine whether a late proposal will be considered.

    (2) Competitive considerations. (i) The proposals submitted in response to the AOs are not necessarily fully comparable. However, all proposals within the scope of an opportunity must be evaluated in accordance with the criteria in the AO.

    (ii) Cost must be considered in the evaluation if costs are involved in the investigation. General cost information should be given to the subcommittee by the Installation Project Office for use in determining the categories into which the subcommittee places proposals.

    (iii) Further information should be obtained, as necessary, by the Installation Project Office and/or any other evaluation group authorized by the selection official and from the investigators whose proposals are being considered. This is similar to the acquisition procedure for conducting written and oral discussions. A major consideration during discussions is to avoid unfairness and unequal treatment. Good judgment is required by in the extent and content of the discussions. There should be no reluctance in obtaining the advice and guidance of management and staff offices during the discussion phase. A summary should be prepared of the primary points covered in the written and oral discussions and show the effect of the discussions on the evaluation of proposals. This summary should also contain general information about the questions submitted to the investigators, the amount of time spent in oral discussion, and revisions in proposals, if any, resulting from the discussions.

    (iv) During the conduct of discussions, all proposers being considered shall be offered an equitable opportunity to submit cost, technical, or other revisions in their proposals as may result from the discussions. All proposers shall be informed that any revisions to their proposals must be submitted by a common cut-off date in order to be considered. The record should note compliance of the investigators with that cut-off date.

    (c) Significant items for consideration before award:

    (1) Issuance of a Request for Proposal (RFP)—A formal RFP should not be issued to obtain additional information on proposals accepted under the AO process. Additional technical, cost, or other data received should be considered as a supplement to the original proposal.

    (2) Selection of Investigator/Contractor—The selection decision of the Program AA approves the selected investigators and their institutions as the only satisfactory sources for the investigations. The selection of the investigator does not constitute the selection of that person's proposed supporting hardware fabricator unless the selection official specifically incorporates the fabricator in the selection decision.