§ 2015.407-70 - Solicitation provisions and contract clauses.

Latest version.
  • (a) The contracting officer shall insert in Requests for Proposals (RFPs) the provisions at:

    (1) Section 2052.215-70, Key Personnel;

    (2) (i) Section 2052.215-71, Project Officer Authority (for solicitations for cost-reimbursement, cost-plus-fixed-fee, cost-plus-award-fee, cost-sharing, labor-hour or time-and-materials, including task order contracts);

    (ii) Section 2052.215-72, Project Officer Authority—Alternate 1 (for solicitations for issuance of delivery orders for specific products/services).

    (iii) Section 2052.215-73, Project Officer Authority—Alternate 2 with paragraph (b)(1) deleted and the remainder of the clause renumbered (for solicitations for firm fixed price contracts);

    (iv) The provision, 2052.215-71, and Alternates 1 and 2 are intended for experienced, trained project officers, and may be altered to delete duties where appropriate.

    (3) Section 2052.215-74, Timely Receipt of Proposals;

    (4) Section 2052.215-75, Award Notification and Commitment of Public Funds; and

    (5) Section 2052.215-76, Disposition of Proposals.

    (b) The contracting officer shall insert in all solicitations for negotiated procurements for cost type contracts that do not provide for task orders or delivery orders, the provision at 2052.215-77, Proposal Presentation and Format, except that:

    (1) For all solicitations for negotiated task order contracts, paragraphs (e)(4) (xi) and (xii) must be deleted (and the remainder renumbered), and the paragraph found at 2052.215-78—Alternate 1, must be substituted for paragraph (d)(2).

    (2) 2052.215-79—Alternate 2. For all negotiated procurements for a fixed-price, labor-hour, or time-and-materials contract, paragraph (d)(2) shall be deleted from the provision 2052.215-77.

    These provisions must be tailored to assure that all sections, but in particular paragraph (e), Technical and Management Proposal, reflect a one-to-one relationship to the evaluation criteria.

    (c) The contracting officer shall insert the provision at 2052.215-80, Preproposal Conference, in RFPs where there will be a preproposal conference. This provision may be altered to fit the circumstances of the requirement.

    (d) The contracting officer shall insert the clauses at 2052.215-81, Travel Reimbursement, and 2052-215-83, Travel Approvals, in RFPs where there will be travel. For contracts where there is no ceiling amount on domestic travel, the provision found at 2052.215-82, Travel Reimbursement—Alternate 1 shall be used with paragraph (a) deleted and the remainder of the clause renumbered.