§ 204.670-6 - Types of DD Form 350 reports.  

Latest version.
  • There are three types of reports—single, consolidated, and multiple.

    (a) A single report is one DD Form 350 report per action.

    (b) A consolidated report combines several actions.

    (1) Prepare consolidated reports for—

    (i) Military Traffic Management Command awards of indefinite-delivery contracts for ocean transportation. The Command reports at the beginning of each fiscal year the estimated value of the orders for that fiscal year on one DD Form 350.

    (ii) Defense Energy Support Center or Defense Supply Center, Richmond, indefinite-delivery contracts for petroleum or petroleum supplies. The Centers, at the time of award, report the estimated value of the orders to be placed against the contract on one DD Form 350.

    (iii) Orders placed by the Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA) for resale items over $25,000. DeCA consolidates the orders monthly and reports the cumulative dollar amounts and actions on one DD Form 350.

    (iv) Vouchers processed by the U.S. Army Contracting Command, Europe (USACCE), for the purchase of utilities from municipalities (e.g., gas, electricity, water, sewage, steam, snow removal, and garbage collection). USACCE consolidates these transactions monthly and reports the cumulative dollar amounts and actions on one DD Form 350.

    (2) Consolidated reports may be prepared in accordance with departmental or agency procedures for orders under communications service agreements for local dial tone services.

    (c) A multiple report is more than one DD Form 350 per contracting action. Prepare multiple reports if—

    (1) The action includes FMS requirements in addition to non-FMS requirements (Line B9 on the DD Form 350). Submit one DD Form 350 report for the FMS requirements and another DD Form 350 report for the non-FMS requirements.

    (2) The action includes more than one type of contract (Line C5 on the DD Form 350) and the type with the least dollar value exceeds $500,000. Prepare a separate DD Form 350 for each contract type.

    (3) The action includes non-DoD Federal agency requirements and DoD requirements. Submit one DD Form 350 for the non-DoD requirements and another DD Form 350 for the DoD requirements.