§ 204.804-2 - Closeout of the contracting office files if another office administers the contract.  

Latest version.
  • (1) When an office, other than the contracting office, administers the contract, it shall—

    (i) Provide the contracting office an interim contract completion statement when the contract is physically completed and accepted. This notice may be in the form of either a DD Form 1594, Contract Completion Statement, or a MILSCAP Format Identifier Interim PK9, Contract Physical Completion. When the DD Form 1594 is used, the contracting officer—

    (A) Annotates Block 8, Remarks, with—

    (1) “Notice of Physical Completion;”

    (2) Final acceptance date;

    (3) Signature of a responsible official; and

    (4) Date signed.

    (B) Does not complete Blocks 9 (b), (c), and (d) at this time;

    (ii) Prepare a DD Form 1597, Contract Closeout Check List, if necessary, to determine that all the required actions have been done;

    (iii) Initiate DD Form 1593, Contract Administration Completion Record, if necessary to obtain statements from other organizational elements that they have completed the actions they are responsible for; and

    (iv) Upon final payment—

    (A) Process the DD Form 1594 with Blocks 1 through 9 completed or the MILSCAP Format Identifier PK9 verifying that all contract administration office actions have been done; and

    (B) Send the original of the DD Form 1594 or the MILSCAP Format Identifier PK9 to the contracting office, and file a copy in the official contract file.

    (2) If the administrative contracting officer (ACO) cannot closeout a contract within the specified time period (see FAR 4.804-1), the ACO must notify the procuring contracting officer (PCO) within 45 days after the expiration of the time period of—

    (i) The reasons for the delay; and

    (ii) New target date for closeout. If MILSCAP procedures apply, the ACO shall use the MILSCAP Format Identifier PKX, Unclosed Contract Status, to provide this notice to the PCO.

    (3) If the contract still is not closed out by the new target date, the ACO shall again notify the PCO with the reasons for delay and new target date. If MILSCAP procedures apply, continue to use the MILSCAP Format Identifier PKX, Unclosed Contract Status, to provide this notice.