§ 208.7004-6 - Cancellation of requirements.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Category I MIPRs. The requiring department will notify the acquiring department by electronic or other immediate means when cancelling all or part of the supplies or services requested in the MIPR. Within 30 days, the acquiring department will notify the requiring department of the quantity of items available for termination and the amount of funds in excess of the estimated settlement costs. Upon receipt of this information, the requiring department will issue a MIPR amendment to reduce the quantities and funds accordingly.

    (b) Category II MIPRs. The requiring department will notify the acquiring department electronically or by other immediate means when cancelling all or any part of the supplies or services requested in the MIPR.

    (1) If the acquiring department has not entered into a contract for the supplies or services to be cancelled, the acquiring department will immediately notify the requiring department. Upon receipt of such notification, the requiring department shall initiate a MIPR amendment to revoke the estimated amount shown on the original MIPR for the cancelled items.

    (2) If the items to be cancelled have already been placed under contract—

    (i) As soon as practicable, but in no event more than 45 days after receipt of the cancellation notice from the requiring department, the contracting officer shall issue a termination data letter to the requiring department (original and four copies) containing, as a minimum, the information in Table 8-1, Termination Data Letter.

    (ii) The termination contracting officer (TCO) will review the proceedings at least every 60 days to reassess the Government's probable obligation. If any additional funds are excess to the probable settlement requirements, or if it appears that previous release of excess funds will result in a shortage of the amount which will be required for settlement, the TCO will promptly notify the contracting office which will amend the termination data letter. The requiring department will process a MIPR amendment to reflect the reinstatement of funds within 30 days after receiving the amended termination data letter.

    (iii) Upon receipt of a copy of the termination settlement agreement, the requiring department will prepare a MIPR amendment, if required, to remove any remaining excess funds.

    Table 8-1, Termination Data LetterSUBJECT: Termination Data Re:Contract No. ______Termination No. ______Contract ______(a) As termination action is now in progress on the above contract, the following information is submitted:(1) Brief Description of items terminated.(2) You are notified that the sum of $____ is available for release under the subject contract. This sum represents the difference between $____, the value of items terminated under the contract, and $____, estimated to be required for settlement of the terminated contract. The estimated amount available for release is allocated by the appropriations cited on the contract as follows:MIPR NO. ____ ACCOUNTING CLASSIFICATION ____ AMOUNT ____Total available for release at this time $____(b) Request you forward an amendment to MIPR ____ on DD Form 448-2 to reflect the reduced quantity and amount of funds available for release.(c) Periodic reviews (not less than 60 days) will be made as termination proceedings progress to redetermine the Government's probable obligation.____________________Contracting Officer