Subpart 225.70 - Authorization Acts, Appropriations Acts, and Other Statutory Restrictions on Foreign Acquisition  

§ 225.7010-1 - Restrictions.
§ 225.7020-1 - Definitions.
§ 225.7010-2 - Exceptions.
§ 225.7020-2 - Prohibition.
§ 225.7010-3 - Waiver.
§ 225.7020-3 - Exceptions.
§ 225.7010-4 - Implementation of restriction on certain naval vessel components.
§ 225.7020-4 - Joint determination.
§ 225.7020-5 - Solicitation provision and contract clause.
§ 225.7010-5 - Contract clause.
§ 225.7000 - Scope of subpart.
§ 225.7001 - Definitions.
§ 225.7002 - Restrictions on food, clothing, fabrics, hand or measuring tools, and flags.
§ 225.7003 - Restrictions on acquisition of specialty metals.
§ 225.7004 - Restriction on acquisition of foreign buses.
§ 225.7005 - [Reserved]
§ 225.7006 - Restriction on air circuit breakers for naval vessels.
§ 225.7007 - Restrictions on anchor and mooring chain.
§ 225.7008 - Waiver of restrictions of 10 U.S.C. 4864.
§ 225.7009 - Restriction on ball and roller bearings.
§ 225.7010 - Restrictions on certain naval vessel and auxiliary ship components.
§ 225.7011 - Restriction on carbon, alloy, and armor steel plate.
§ 225.7012 - Restriction on supercomputers.
§ 225.7013 - Restrictions on construction or repair of vessels in foreign shipyards.
§ 225.7014 - Restrictions on military construction.
§ 225.7015 - Restriction on overseas architect-engineer services.
§ 225.7016 - Prohibition on requiring the use of fire-resistant rayon fiber.
§ 225.7017 - Utilization of domestic photovoltaic devices.
§ 225.7018 - Restriction on acquisition of certain magnets, tantalum, and tungsten.
§ 225.7019 - Prohibition on use of certain energy sourced from inside the Russian Federation.
§ 225.7020 - Prohibition on contracting with the Maduro regime.
§ 225.7021 - Disclosure requirements for employment transparency regarding individuals who perform work in the People's Republic of China.
§ 225.7022 - Prohibition on certain procurements from the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.
§ 225.7023 - Restriction on acquisition of personal protective equipment and certain other items from non-allied foreign nations.
§ 225.7011-1 - Restriction.
§ 225.7021-1 - Definitions.
§ 225.7011-2 - Waiver.
§ 225.7021-2 - Restrictions.
§ 225.7011-3 - Contract clause.
§ 225.7021-3 - National security waiver of disclosure.
§ 225.7011-4 - Procedures.
§ 225.7021-4 - Solicitation provision and contract clause.
§ 225.7011-5 - Solicitation provision.
§§ 225.7022-1--225.7022-5 - xxx
§ 225.7002-1 - Restrictions.
§ 225.7012-1 - Restriction.
§ 225.7022-1 - Scope.
§ 225.7002-2 - Exceptions.
§ 225.7012-2 - Waiver.
§ 225.7022-2 - Definitions.
§ 225.7002-3 - Contract clauses.
§ 225.7012-3 - Contract clause.
§ 225.7022-3 - Prohibition.
§ 225.7022-4 - Exceptions.
§ 225.7022-5 - Solicitation provision and contract clause.
§ 225.7013-0 - Scope.
§ 225.7003-1 - Definitions.
§ 225.7023-1 - Definitions.
§ 225.7013-1 - Definitions.
§ 225.7003-2 - Restrictions.
§ 225.7023-2 - Restriction.
§ 225.7013-2 - Restrictions.
§ 225.7003-3 - Exceptions.
§ 225.7023-3 - Exceptions.
§ 225.7003-4 - [Reserved]
§ 225.7023-4 - Contract clause.
§ 225.7003-5 - Solicitation provision and contract clauses.
§§ 225.7013--225.7014 - [Reserved]
§ 225.7004-0 - Scope.
§ 225.7004-1 - Restriction.
§ 225.7004-2 - Applicability.
§ 225.7004-3 - Exceptions.
§ 225.7004-4 - Waiver.
§ 225.7004-5 - Additional restrictions on anchor and mooring chain.
§ 225.7004-6 - Waiver of restrictions.
§ 225.7004-7 - Contract clauses.
§ 225.7005-1 - Restriction.
§ 225.7015-1 - Restriction.
§ 225.7005-2 - Exception.
§ 225.7015-2 - Exception.
§ 225.7005-3 - Waiver.
§ 225.7015-3 - Contract clause.
§§ 225.7005--225.7008 - [Reserved]
§ 225.7006-1 - Restriction.
§ 225.7016-1 - Definitions.
§ 225.7006-2 - Exceptions.
§ 225.7016-2 - Restriction.
§ 225.7006-3 - Waiver.
§ 225.7016-3 - Exceptions.
§ 225.7006-4 - Solicitation provision and contract clause.
§ 225.7016-4 - Solicitation provision.
§ 225.7007-1 - Restrictions.
§ 225.7017-1 - Definitions.
§ 225.7007-2 - Waiver.
§ 225.7017-2 - Restriction.
§ 225.7007-3 - Contract clause.
§ 225.7017-3 - Exceptions.
§ 225.7007-4 - Waiver.
§ 225.7017-4 - Solicitation provision and contract clause.
§ 225.7017-5 - Solicitation provision and contract clause.
§ 225.7018-0 - Scope.
§ 225.7008-1 - Restrictions.
§ 225.7018-1 - Definitions.
§ 225.7008-2 - Exceptions.
§ 225.7018-2 - Restriction.
§ 225.7008-3 - Waiver.
§ 225.7018-3 - Exceptions.
§ 225.7008-4 - Contract clause.
§ 225.7018-4 - Nonavailability determination.
§ 225.7018-5 - Contract clause.
§ 225.7009-1 - Scope.
§ 225.7019-1 - Definitions.
§ 225.7009-2 - Restriction.
§ 225.7019-2 - Prohibition.
§ 225.7009-3 - Exception.
§ 225.7019-3 - Waiver.
§ 225.7009-4 - Waiver.
§ 225.7019-4 - Solicitation provision and contract clause.
§ 225.7009-5 - Contract clause.