§ 230.7002 - Preaward facilities capital applications.  

Latest version.
  • To establish cost and price objectives, apply the facilities capital cost of money and capital employed, as determined under 230.7000, as follows:

    (a) Cost of Money—(1) Cost Objective. Use the imputed facilities capital cost of money, with normal, booked costs, to establish a cost objective or the target cost when structuring an incentive type contract. Do not adjust target costs established at the outset even though actual cost of money rates become available during the period of contract performance.

    (2) Profit Objective. When measuring the contractor's effort for the purpose of establishing a prenegotiation profit objective, restrict the cost base to normal, booked costs. Do not include cost of money as part of the cost base.

    (b) Facilities Capital Employed. Assess and weight the profit objective or risk associated with facilities capital employed in accordance with the profit guidelines at 215.404-71-4.